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  1. 他家境贫寒,家里人说命该如此。

    His impoverished family put it down to destino .

  2. 不过有人说命会愈算愈薄。所以我还知道一堆增加运势的小技巧哦。

    But people say that fortune telling can make your luck go bad . So I also know about a lot of tricks to gain good luck .

  3. 她说我命不该绝于她手。

    She said it wasn 't my destiny to die at her hand .

  4. 中国人说救人一命。

    The Chinese say onceyou 've saveda person 's life .

  5. 众水流过我头,我说,我命断绝了。

    Waters flowed over mine head ; then I said , I am cut off .

  6. 有很多人发问,可没人能给他回答,或许有人说这就是命。

    There is a lot of people asking questions , people can not give him answer , someone might say that this is life .

  7. 因此我们可以说,同命不同价的问题,归根结底,实质是一个平等的问题。

    So we can say ," the same life different price " problem , in the final analysis , the essence is a question of equality .

  8. 你当然可以说“我命由我不由天”,但是天数能够帮助你正视一些无可改变的因素,进而在人生中脚踏实地地朝着实际的人生目标努力。

    Of course the final outcome of your life is in your hands , but fate helps us set realistic goals for ourselves by encouraging us to take into consideration immutable factors that we cannot change .

  9. 谁说我想要她的命了

    Oh , who said anything about taking her life ?

  10. 我是说留他一命,不放就是了。

    I 'm suggesting we only save his life , not release him .

  11. 有人恐吓说要我的命,那三年半我没有一点儿安全感。

    I was having death threats , I never felt safe for3 and a half years .

  12. 有人恐吓说要我的命。

    I was having death threats .

  13. 这些为本命年辟邪的红色什物就是什么常说的“本命红”。

    Of particular feature is that red is viewed as a colour that wards off evil .

  14. 可以说相天造命论集中体现了王船山历史哲学的主体精神。

    So the argument of assisting heaven and creating destiny focuses to explain the subject spirit of Wang chuanshan 's historical philosophy .

  15. 他们说她嗜血如命,据说那些对她出声反对的人都被钉在尖桩上享受漫长的死亡。

    They say that she is blood-thirsty , that those who speak against her are impaled on spikes to die lingering deaths .

  16. 圣人们常说‘救一命,胜造七级浮屠’。

    The wise men of old said , 'Saving one life earns more merit than building a pagoda of seven stories . '

  17. 主耶和华说,我必命我的诸山发刀剑来攻击歌革。人都要用刀剑杀害弟兄。

    And I will send to all my mountains for a sword against him , says the lord : every man 's sword will be against his brother .

  18. 猫命大,摔下来总是四脚着地,人们就说猫有九命。新鲜事,如果只能轰动一时,人们称之为“九日奇观”。

    A cat can survive where other animals hardly can , and drops always on its feet , so people often say , " A cat has nine lives . " If a wonder can only last for several days , people may call it " a nine days " wonder . "