
fǎ rén zī ɡé
  • legal personality;corporate capacity;corporate personality;juristic personality
  1. 论挂靠集体企业的法人资格及其债务承担

    On the Corporate Capacity of the Titular Collective Enterprise and Its Assumption of Obligation

  2. 有独立的法人资格。

    Having the independent corporate capacity .

  3. 第十一条中国红十字会总会具有社会团体法人资格;

    Article 11 The All-China Federation of the Red Cross Societies shall have the status of legal person as a social organization ;

  4. 随着WTO后过渡期的到来,建筑工程质量检测等工程机构根据国际通用要求必须成为具有独立法人资格、第三方独立的中介机构。

    According to the content of the agreement , construction engineering organizations must be independent and to be a third - party enterprise .

  5. 医院集团(HospitalGroup)是医院重组的主要模式,是指由3家或3家以上具有独立法人资格的医院,经协商、谈判联合成有隶属关系和连锁经营的医院集团组织。

    To set up Hospital Group is one of the major forms of restructuring the hospitals , which means 3 or more than 3 hospitals forms hospital group through negotiation ot through setting up subsidiary or links .

  6. 世界贸易组织(WTO)具备独立的法人资格,有自己较为完整的规则体系和法律框架,有着关贸总协定所无法比拟的权威性和影响力。

    The World Trade Organization ( WTO ), as an international artificial person , has its own relatively complete ruling system and law framework and its authority and influence exceed those of its predecessor , the GATT .

  7. 体育学院组建具有独立法人资格饮食服务实体的可行性和必要性

    Discussion on feasibility and necessity of establishing separate legal dietetic entity

  8. 参赛单位必须具有独立法人资格。

    All the Competitors must possess the qualification of independent legal entity .

  9. 每个成员企业都具有独立的法律主体资格,但不一定要求有法人资格。

    They are legal entities but not necessarily legal person .

  10. 高校后勤实体法人资格确认问题研究

    Research on the Problem of Identifying University Logistics Entities as Legal Person

  11. 合伙企业是一个由两个或更多的合伙人共同拥有的、无法人资格的企业。

    A partnership is an unincorporated business owned by two or more partners .

  12. 公司是具有法人资格的企业组织,因此具有相应的权利能力和行为能力。

    There exist some distinct differences between natural person and corporate on legal capacity .

  13. 在我国刑法上,是否具备法人资格并不是单位能否构成犯罪的必要条件。

    The qualification of corporation is not the indispensable condition to commit organization crime .

  14. 分公司不具有企业法人资格。

    No branch of a company has the status of an enterprise legal person .

  15. 深圳市阪神卫浴制品有限公司是一家具有法人资格的中日合作企业。

    Shenzhen Hanshin Bathroom Equipments Co , Ltd is an incorporated enterprise of Sino-japanese cooperation .

  16. 随着公司制度的推行,各种公司纠纷案件迅速增加。当一个公司仅剩下夫妻股东时,该公司是否还具备法人资格?

    With the development of corporate system , various legal disputes among companies are climbing .

  17. 在我国现有法律框架内,合伙企业可以取得法人资格。

    Under our present legal system , partnership corporation can obtain the qualification of judicial person .

  18. 具有独立法人资格及教育资质的培训机构。

    The agency must be an independent legal person qualified to provide training and education service .

  19. 这些特征表现为:母公司与子公司各具有独立法人资格;母子公司之间在经营管理上的控制性;企业集团母子公司关系的法律透析

    On Enterprise Group Parent Subsidiary Relationship

  20. 协会是在美国密西根州注册、具有独立法人资格的非政治、非营利和非宗教的组织。

    CAGD is a non-political , non-profit and non-religious independent organization registered in the State of Michigan .

  21. 具有独立法人资格,在工商行政管理局注册的境内企业;

    An independent legal entity , domestic enterprises that registered in the Administration of Industry and Commerce .

  22. 赋予欧盟法人资格,可以凭借自身的权利签署条约。

    It would make the EU a legal personality , able to sign treaties in its own right .

  23. 所有企业一旦注册登记,具备法人资格后,可利用外资开办中外合作、合资企业。

    Each enterprise may establish joint venture or cooperative enterprises once registering and having qualification of artificial person .

  24. 这种由工商行政管理机关对企业的法人资格和经营资格进行一体登记认定的制度,作者将其称为企业法人登记的一体制。

    These two qualifications are registered by the administrative departments for industry and commerce in a single procedure .

  25. 北京中外民间文化艺术交流促进会是具有独立法人资格的社会团体。

    Beijing China-foreign folk culture-art exchange and promotion association is a non-governmental public organization with independent legal personality .

  26. 公司是一家具有独立法人资格的综合性科技开发、生产及贸易有限公司。

    Beijing Pulesi Technology Company Limited is a new founded trading company based in Beijing , the capital of P.R.

  27. 中期票据从本质上讲是一种中期信用债券,由具备法人资格的非金融企业在银行间市场发行。

    MTNs is essentially a medium-term debentures , issued by non-financial companies with legal personality in the interbank market .

  28. 企业出现财务危机时,其中一种选择是申请破产,最终丧失企业法人资格。

    Applying for bankruptcy and finally losing corporate personality is one of the choices when enterprises suffer financial distress .

  29. 第三十八条注册会计师协会依法取得社会团体法人资格。

    Article 38 The institutes of certified public accountants shall acquire the status of body corporate according to law .

  30. 投诉服务中心具有法人资格,对其行为依法独立承担责任。

    The Complaint Service Center shall have a legal person qualification , and assume independent liability for its acts .