
fǎn kǒnɡ bù zhǔ yì
  • Counter Terrorism;counterterrorism
  1. 过去,美国中央情报局和以首字母ISI组合标志的巴基斯坦间谍机构很不容易地一起工作;反恐怖主义。但是。

    The CIA and Pakistan 's spy agency , known by the acronym ISI , have worked uneasily together in the past on counterterrorism , but the unilateral U.

  2. 美国国务院把卡塔尔称为在反恐怖主义上表现最差劲的一个阿拉伯国家。

    The State Department labeled Qatar the worst country in the region for counterterrorism efforts .

  3. 这个问题我们要问,对于存放的DNA样本是一样的一个困扰我们的做法,以领取身份证,并在激烈的反恐怖主义立法。

    The question we need to ask about the storing of DNA samples is the same as the one bedevilling our approach to identity cards , and stiff anti-terrorism legislation .

  4. 人工智能(AI)在反恐怖主义这一应用领域是政府和企业安全方案增长最快的组成部分。

    Artificial intelligence ( AI ) applications in the field of counter-terrorism are among the fastest growing components of security programming for both government and corporate entities .

  5. 国际反恐怖主义战略:美国、巴基斯坦与印度

    International Anti-terrorist Strategy : the United States , Pakistan and India

  6. 反恐怖主义国际公约与完善我国刑事立法

    International Convention Against Terrorism and Consummation of Penal Legislation in China

  7. 恐怖主义的实质与中国反恐怖主义的实践

    On the Essence of Terrorism and the Practice of Chinese Anti-terrorism

  8. 论法律全球化与完善反恐怖主义国际立法

    On Law Globalization and Perfecting International Legislation on Anti - terrorism

  9. 两国签订了反恐怖主义合作协议。

    The two states made a compact to co-operate against terrorism .

  10. 中国在国际反恐斗争中积极发挥建设性作用。两国签订了反恐怖主义合作协议。

    China has played a constructive role in the international anti-terrorism struggle .

  11. 国际反恐怖主义刑事合作的几点法律思考

    Several Legal Thoughts on Criminal Cooperation of International Anti-terrorism

  12. 安理会还设立了一个反恐怖主义委员会,监督上述决议的执行。

    It also established a Counter-Terrorism Committee to oversee implementation of its resolution .

  13. 一个新的全国反恐怖主义机构已经设立了。

    A new national anti-ter-rorist unti has been established .

  14. 国际反恐怖主义行动跨专业小组;反恐怖主义跨专业小组;

    Multidisciplinary group on international action against terrorism ; multidisciplinary group on terrorism ;

  15. 我国反恐怖主义立法完善研讨

    On the Consummation of Counter-Terrorism Legislation of China

  16. 浅析我国反恐怖主义犯罪法律面临的调整

    On the Readjustment of China 's Anti-Terrorism Law

  17. 安全检查仅是反恐怖主义的一种消极措施

    Security checks are only a palliative ( measure ) in the fight against terrorism

  18. 索马里和巴基斯坦的教训是,反恐怖主义与反叛乱不是一回事儿。

    The lesson of Somalia and Pakistan is that counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency are different things .

  19. 在12项国际反恐怖主义公约中,中国已加入10项,签署了1项。

    China has acceded to 10 and signed another one of the 12 international anti-terrorism conventions .

  20. 我们必将赢得反恐怖主义战争的胜利,使整个世界变得越来越美好。

    We will win the war on terrorism and leave the world better than we found it .

  21. 澳大利亚反恐怖主义立法述评

    Introduction of Australian Anti-terrorism Legislation

  22. 在此,他被拘留和当时的总统查尔斯泰勒的臭名昭著的反恐怖主义部队的威胁时。

    During this time he was detained and threatened by then president Charles Taylor 's notorious Anti-Terrorist Unit .

  23. 论反恐怖主义犯罪的原则

    On Principles of Antiterrorism

  24. 多数的候选人表示,他们支持被称为“爱国者法案”反恐怖主义法的延期。

    Most of the candidates said they supported the extension of the anti-terrorism law known as the Patriot Act .

  25. 不能借反恐怖主义推行影响世界和地区稳定与发展的别的政治意图。

    No political attempt that affects world and regional stability and development should be pursued in excuse of striking terrorism .

  26. 浅谈国际恐怖主义与反恐怖主义国际立法中国坚决反对一切形式的恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义。

    On Regard International Terrorism and International Legislation on Anti-terrorism ; China opposes all forms of terrorism , separatism and extremism .

  27. 论反恐怖主义国际法的新进展&以安理会1373号决议为基础

    On the new development of the international law of anti-terrorism & based on the Resolution 1373 of United Nations Security Council

  28. 民意测验显示,很多美国人对反恐怖主义战争的关注程度开始缩小。

    Qpinion polls suggest that the level of interest many Americans have in the war on terrorism is beginning to dwindle .

  29. 我们学到有关调查、反恐怖主义、小型和轻型武器、爆炸物品、打击洗钱和其他课题的知识。

    We learned about investigations , terrorism , small and light arms , explosives , money laundering , and other topics .

  30. 我欣慰地宣布美国与中国今秋将举行有关反恐怖主义的联合会谈。

    And I am pleased to announce that the United States and China will be conducting joint talks on counterterrorism this fall .