
cè huǎnɡ yí
  • see also 测谎器;polygraph
  1. 一个毕业设计。用vc编写的一个简易测谎仪后台软件。

    Vc used to prepare a summary of the background polygraph software .

  2. 乔治·马施克(GeorgeMaschke)自2000年起经营一家网站antipolygraph.org,他表示,战胜测谎仪的策略是,承认对照问题,并放大自己对它们的反应。

    George Maschke , who has runantipolygraph.org since 2000 , says the strategy for beating a polygraph is torecognise the control questions and augment your reactions to them .

  3. 在他服刑期间,米切尔在监狱里通过了测谎仪测试,很是奇怪。这个视频被发布到YouTube上。

    During his incarceration , in what can only be described as bizarre , a video of Mitchell taking and passing a polygraph from his jail cell was posted on YouTube .

  4. 这就是测谎仪能找出说谎者的原因。

    That 's why a polygraph can often uncover a liar .

  5. 但像我这样未经训练的人真的能骗过测谎仪吗?

    Yet could an untrained person like me stillfool the examiner ?

  6. 你愿意接受测谎仪试验吗?

    Would you be willing to take a lie detector test ?

  7. 测谎仪检测者知道问某人问题时应该注意哪些方面。

    A polygraph examiner knows what to look for when questioning someone .

  8. 你们的测谎仪不明白苏联人的灵魂。

    Your polygraph doesn 't understand the Russian soul .

  9. 测谎仪的工作原理像其他的身体反馈仪器一样。

    Polygraph , its work 's very similar to any other biofeedback instrument .

  10. 对她使用测谎仪怎样?

    What about asking her to take a polygraph ?

  11. 嫌疑犯以为这个测谎仪很好使,就招供了。

    Believing the " lie detector " was working , the suspect confessed .

  12. 帮助他人设法骗过测谎仪将会带来严重的法律后果。

    And helping people cheat on polygraphs hasshown to have serious legal consequences .

  13. 这种技术对于测谎仪来说具有深远影响。

    The implications for lie detectors are profound .

  14. 这种问题是用来校正测谎仪的

    The questions are to calibrate the polygraph .

  15. 给萨姆连上测谎仪。

    Put Sammy boy in a lie detector .

  16. 我来这里还想试试能否撒谎骗过测谎仪。

    I 'm also here to tryto successfully lie my way through a polygraph .

  17. 测谎仪。

    The lie detector , or polygraph .

  18. 美国和大多数欧洲刑事法庭通常并不接受测谎仪证据。

    Polygraph evidence is generally notadmissible in criminal court in the US and most of Europe .

  19. 那么说她通过了测谎仪。

    So she passed the polygraph .

  20. 在美国,测谎仪被中央情报局和其他政府机构用于筛选求职者。

    In the US , polygraphs are used to screen candidates for the CIA andother government jobs .

  21. 有关测谎仪的概率分析

    The Probability Analysis of Polygraphs

  22. 然而,李补充道,这项技术将不会代替法庭上使用的测谎仪。

    Lee added that the technology would not replace lie detectors used in a court of law .

  23. 你不会读心术,你也不能让别人戴上测谎仪。

    You can 't mind read and you don 't have everyone else wired into a lie detector .

  24. 测谎仪是一种科学的心理测试仪器,但是其结论并非百分之百的准确。

    Polygraph is a scientific instrument for psychological tests , but its conclusion is not 100 % accurate .

  25. 古德森表示,尽管他面对新手能成功骗过测谎仪,但欺骗有经验的测谎人员却并不容易。

    Goodson says that although he cansuccessfully defeat a polygraph against novice students , defeating anexperienced examiner is harder .

  26. 当然,你可能猜想这家伙在说假话,但今天所用的测谎仪却不能。

    You can guess , of course , whether the man was answering truthfully - but today 's polygraphs cannot .

  27. 在罗马尼亚足球甲级联赛中,布加勒斯特民族队上星期连续输掉了两场比赛,该队球员将于近期被迫接受测谎仪的测试。

    Players at a Romanian first division club will be forced to take lie detector tests after losing two matches .

  28. “测谎仪”以特殊作用机理在刑事司法活动中发挥着重要的作用。

    Due to the special mechanism , lie detectors are playing a very important role in the activities of criminal judicature .

  29. 除了了测量一些不同的反应,眼部追踪识谎技术还有另外一些优于传统测谎仪的特点。

    Besides measuring a different type of response , eye-tracking methods for detecting lies has several other benefits over the polygraph .

  30. 我暗自思忖,即使我撒谎能骗过测谎仪,也会被这家伙看出来啊。

    I think to myself thateven if I can trick the machine , this guy would know if I was lying .