
fǎn dǎo xì tǒng
  • antimissile system
反导系统[fǎn dǎo xì tǒng]
  1. 舰炮反导系统总体结构分析及其优化决策

    Total Structure Analysis of the Naval Gun Antimissile System and its Optimization Decision

  2. 分析了反导系统对智能科学技术的需求;

    Then , the requirements of the antimissile system to IST are analyzed .

  3. 美国国防部上周宣布,它已授予洛克希德马丁公司(lockheedmartin)一份合同,将向台湾出售先进的“爱国者”3型反导系统。

    Last week , the US Defence Department announced it had awarded a contract for advanced Patriot PAC-3 anti-missile equipment destined for Taiwan to Lockheed Martin .

  4. PAC-3反导系统作战效能评估研究

    On the Evaluation of Operation Effectiveness for PAC-3 Anti-TBM System

  5. 如果中国确实成功创造一个“航空母舰杀手”版本的DF-21,美国海军能修改它的宙斯盾反导系统保护航空母舰免于此类攻击。

    If the Chinese do succeed in creating a " carrier killer " version of the DF-21 , the U.S.Navy can modify its Aegis anti-missile system to protect carriers against such attacks .

  6. 去年,美国正式宣布充足的反导系统正在被部署到夏威夷处理任何潜在的朝鲜和和他们的大浦洞(Taepodong)导弹威胁。

    Last year , American officials announced that sufficient anti-missile systems were being sent to Hawaii to deal with any potential North Korea success with their Taepodong missiles .

  7. 土耳其表示,反导系统在土耳其方面的指挥下已全部部署完毕。

    Turkey says it was put into place under Turkish command .

  8. 反导系统中的目标识别技术及其发展趋势

    Target recognition technique and its development trend in missile defend system

  9. 美国防空反导系统网络化分析

    Analysis on Development of the U.S. Networked Air and Missile Defense System

  10. 点目标识别是反导系统中最困难的问题之一。

    Point target recognition is the most difficult task in anti-missile system .

  11. 反导系统空中防御仿真模型研究

    Research on Simulation Model of the Antiballistic Missile System

  12. 影响大闭环防空反导系统射击精度的因素分析

    Analysis of factors influencing the firing precision of the closed-loop antiaircraft and antimissile system

  13. 军事卫星支援下反导系统拦截作战的影响图模型

    The Signed Digraph Model of Anti-tactic Ballistic Missile Flight Aided by Military Satellite System

  14. 激光反导系统中的电视瞄准镜

    TV sight lens in an antimissile system

  15. 美国反导系统红外探测、跟踪和识别技术分析

    An Analysis on IR Detecting and Tracking and Identifying Techniques of USA Ballistic Missile Defense Systems

  16. 讨论了反导系统的基本组成、功能和特性;

    The basic composition , function and features of the antimissile system are discussed at first .

  17. 密集阵反导系统拦截反舰导弹模型研究

    Research on the Model of the Interception of Anti-ship Missile by Phalanx Close in Weapon System

  18. 但其他人则想到这项技术可以应用到反导系统,武装战斗机器人或避弹无人机。

    Others envisage the technology being employed in anti-missile systems , armed battlefield droids and bullet-dodging drones .

  19. 最后对智能科学技术在反导系统中的应用与发展进行了展望。

    At last , the prospect of the application of IST in the area of antimissile system is given .

  20. 在战斗中,你可能经常需要手动调整干扰器以及操纵例如“拳击手”之类的主动反导系统。

    In combat one may often have to manually fine-tune jammers and guide active antimissile systems like the Boxer .

  21. 巡航导弹已成为防空反导系统的严重威胁,新概念武器的应用势在必行。

    Cruise Missiles have become serious menace to antimissile systems , it is necessary that new concept weapon being applied .

  22. 利用浮空器进行俯视观测可有效提高防空反导系统的截获、跟踪目标能力。

    The ability of intercepting and tracking for air defense antimissile system can be effectively improved by top observation with aerostat .

  23. 红外成像探测、跟踪和识别技术是美国反导系统的关键技术之一。

    One of the key techniques for USA anti ballistic missile systems is IR imaging detecting and tracking and identifying techniques .

  24. 对反导系统中的多功能相控阵雷达进行建模与仿真,是准确评估其反导防御能力的重要基础。

    Modeling and simulation of multi-function phased array radar for the missile defense are important foundations to evaluate ballistic missile defense capability .

  25. 乐天让出了一块高尔夫球场用于部署反导系统,它是最先被列入黑名单的。

    The group , which has given over a golf course for the missile site , was the first to be blacklisted .

  26. 拥有此特长者提升25%反导系统的效率,显著提高闪避敌人导弹的可能性。

    The character with this perk increases the antimissile system efficiency by25 % , considerably improving the odds of avoiding enemy missiles .

  27. 据悉,本次也将测试空(天)地导弹预警系统和反导系统。

    Also the preparedness of space and ground echelons of missile warning systems and the anti-missile defense will be tested , said Interfax'source .

  28. 相似的防御正在关岛建立,而且日本也已经建立反导系统防卫自己对抗北朝鲜的弹道导弹。

    Similar defenses are being established in Guam , and Japan has also built anti-missile system to defend themselves against North Korean ballistic missiles .

  29. 分析结果表明,反导系统红外探测器在再入飞行段的最佳工作波段是短波和中波。

    The analysis results demonstrate that the infrared detector of the anti-missile system in the reentry can work well on short wave and medium wave .

  30. (有限自主的)机器人已经被用于战场上,应用在拆弹、排雷和反导系统等。

    Robots ( with limited autonomy ) are already deployed on the battlefield in areas such as bomb disposal , mine clearance and antimissile systems .