
  • 网络bounce flash
  1. 它能探测到摄像机视场角中的火焰,反射闪光,浓烟,周围烟雾和入侵物。

    It detects flames in the camera 's field of view , reflected flickering light , pluming smoke clouds , ambient smoke , and intrusions .

  2. 这些幸运的宠物常常被它们名主人反射的闪光灯笼罩着。

    These lucky pets are often pampered and bask in the reflected spotlight of their famous owners .

  3. 采用两种不同用量不同性质的染料染色,获得正反两种不同色光的颜色,在光线照射下,会反射出闪光般的色泽。

    The cloth can obtain the glitter effect when they are dyed by two different dyes with different property to each other .