- war against aggression

The issue of training our successors must be resolved by every available means , because it bears directly on the building of our army and our overall national interests in any future war against aggression .
The Chinese Buddhism had made the proper contribution in this great nationality war against aggression .
But during the two potium wars , the eight flag soldiers launched fierce battles against the invaders .
National consciousness makes film songs which are as apublic art form to cheer for the war against aggression .
The Chinese victory in the Korean War against American invasion of Korea greatly raised China 's status in international affairs .
The 20th century Chinese war novels made a start in the process of the modern anti invasion war and revolution of modern novels . Immediately , they undertook the mission of serving politics .
In the past China has not computed the cost to her manpower in her fight against aggression , although she well realized that manpower is the real wealth of a nation and it takes generations to grow it .
Justice , anti-aggression war and the war with the progressive nature and justice exist in praise of the heroic deeds of those who should be .
United as one , the people of that country waged a just war against aggression .
The Chinese Anti-Japanese war not only opened the first front in anti-fascism war , but also supported forcefully the Soviet Union and broke the attempt of Germany and Japan to meet in the Middle East and helped the US defeat Japan .