
zǒnɡ sī lìnɡ bù
  • General Command;general headquarters;consolidated profit and loss
  1. ph.1.(美国陆军)总司令部总统为合众国陆海军的总司令。

    General headquarters The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States .

  2. 独立国家联合体武装力量联合司令部ph.1.(美国陆军)总司令部

    Unified Command of the Commonwealth of Independent States Armed Forces general headquarters

  3. 他被派往开罗总司令部。

    He was posted to GHQ Cairo .

  4. 在总司令部却没人能找到实弹!

    While no one can find real bullets at army headquarters !

  5. 她同意于4点30分在总司令部与他见面。

    She agreed to meet him at GHQ at four-thirty .

  6. 你的太平洋舰队总司令部忙得象蚁山一样沸沸扬扬,这我亲眼看见啦!

    Your Cincpac building is boiling like an anthill , I saw that !

  7. 最后出现的位置是总司令部。

    The last confirmed position is army headquarters .

  8. 他被派往开罗总司令部。

    He was posted to GHQ cairo .

  9. 安哥拉武装部队总司令部

    Angolan Armed Forces High Command

  10. 总司令部的嘉奖令大大地鼓舞了那个部队的士气。

    The order of commendation from the general headquarters lifted up still higher the morale of the troops .

  11. 在这些东线初期胜利之后,霍夫曼被提升为上校,隶属位于布列斯特-立陶宛的总司令部。

    Following these initial successes in the East Hoffmann was promoted to Oberst and attached to headquarters in Brest-Litovsk ;

  12. 这里就是美军司令部和美国国防部。ph.1.(美国陆军)总司令部

    This is the headquarters of the American army , and is also the American Ministry of defense . general headquarters

  13. 内比都消息,不管如何,杜雅敏昂中将,顾古中将已经调入三军总司令部等待接管他们的新职位。

    Sources in Naypyidaw said Myint Aung and Ko Ko are attached to the War Office and remain in waiting to take over their new positions , however .

  14. 他在一处篱笆上挂着“总司令部”牌子的农舍前下了马,他丢下马走进昏暗的农舍的过厅。

    Dismounting at a hut , on the hurdle fence of which was the inscription " Headquarters of the Staff ," and letting his horse go , he walked into the dark entry .