
Influence of Microspore Structure of Coal on Coal Seam Permeability
Pores may fall in two types , with primary pores predominating in Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata and secondary pore in the Paleozoic .
Through the research on trial , we have research into the adsorption isotherm and adsorption loop that the coal adsorbed low-temperature nitrogen , have probed into the meaning of hole shape and analyzed the influence of the microspore structure of coal on the coal seam permeability .
The main storage space in the target layer includes corrosion intraparticle pore , corrosion interparticle pore and corrosion interstitial pore . The reservoir pore structures are mainly medium – poor . Pore structures of the excellent reservoirs , in which secondary pores developed , are mainly medium .
The reservoir of thrust belt was mainly of pore-fracture type , dissolved pore , fracture and a little primary pore are mainly interstice of the reservoir .
Compaction is the important factor affecting the reservoir petrophysics .
Residue original intergranular pore has been preserved by the authigenic clay minerals and quartz overgrowth .
The main types of pore are corrosion pore between grains , residual pore between grains and corrosion pore in grains .
Reservoir micro-accumulation is featured by development of reservoir space types including remaining primary intergranular pores , micropores and microfractures in clay mineral matrix .
The type of pore is mainly vuggy porosity , and primary intergranular pores , relatively undeveloped , is as the second place among the reservoir pores .
It is pointed out that reservoir space of conglomerate is composed of primary intergranular pore , hole and fracture , secondary denudation pore and structural fracture .
Through a large number of micro-analysis , the study area the main reservoir space type of native intergranular pores , solution holes , cracks and composite porosity .
Reservoir type mainly belongs to porous-fracture type . According to the cause , reservoir space type is divided into remaining primary grained pore , secondary pore , hole and crack .
Pore types are mainly native intergranular pore , followed by dissolution pores , intergranular holes , cracks , and other secondary porosity , particle cement type is pore to pore contact .
There are four kinds of pores , such as : remainder intergranular pore , secondary pore , micro-pore and micro-fissure . The secondary pores are major reservoir pore space , in which oil-and gas are enriched .
The main reservoir rock types are feldspar sandstone , mainly is fine particle size , and fairly well sorted , the pore type is mainly primary intergranular pore , followed is dissolution pore , target area is low-permeability .
Diversity analysis of the capability of reservoir indicated the factors which improve the performance of reservoir in researching region includes : the Submarine distributary channel and the sandstone-body primary intergranular pore of the mouth bar preserved well , thus the reservoir property is better ;
The research finds that pores can be divided into three types : crude residual intergranular pore , induced pore and mixed pore .