
  • 网络The Mind of Primitive Man
  1. 研究神话的一个重要意义就在于通过分析神话故事中原始人的思维方式,复原历史,挖掘其深层文化内涵。

    The important significance of studying the myth lies in rehabilitation history and tapping its deep cultural connotations by using the way of primitive people .

  2. 原始人这种特有的思维方式产生了特有的图腾观念。

    The mode of thinking of the primitive people engendered a special concept , and that is totem .

  3. 文化人类学对原始思维一般有两种界定:一是指史前远古时代的原始人运用的思维方式;二是指今天依然存在的某些原始部落的原始人使用的思维方式。

    Cultural Anthropology of the original thinking in general there are two defined as the prehistoric antiquity of primitive people use the way of thinking ; 2 is today still exist some primitive tribal primitive people use the way of thinking .