
  1. 我道是老周呢,原来是你。

    So it 's you ! I thought it was Lao Zhou .

  2. 啊,原来是你!

    Ah , so it 's you .

  3. 喔,原来是你!

    Oh , so it 's you !

  4. 啊哈!原来是你躲在那儿!

    Aha , so it 's you hiding there .

  5. 原来是你妈妈打电话给你。对了,你又说我什么啦,我给你thirddegree?

    LL : Hey , don 't give me the third degree !

  6. 原来是你叫不出一样东西的名字时候你就可以说它是whatchamacallit。

    LL : When you don ' 't remember the real name of the thing you are talking about , you might say whatchamacallit .

  7. 原来是你呀?我还以为是我的朋友呢。

    That was you ? I thought it was my friend .

  8. 原来是你干的呀?我还以为是你弟弟干的。

    That was you ? I thought it was your brother .

  9. 原来是你把斯通黑文的消息泄露给她的

    So you 're the one who leaked Stonehaven to her .

  10. 原来是你,不是那个乘客。

    It was you . Not your passenger . See ?

  11. 原来是你丢了全家的面子!

    So it 's you that have disgraced the family !

  12. 所以送我那张情人节卡片的原来是你!

    So it was you who sent me that valentine 's card !

  13. 哦,原来是你!没错吧?他说。

    ' Oh , it 's you , is it ? 'he says .

  14. 哎呀,原来是你!我以为你还在上海呢。

    Why , it 's you ! I thought you were still in shanghai .

  15. 原来是你拉娜朗小姐的生日。

    And it turns out to be nonene other than the birthday of Miss Lana Lang.

  16. 当你知道他们不能触摸的,原来是你的心,太伤感。

    And it 's sad when you know its your heart they can 't touch .

  17. 原来是你啊。我没有料到你来这看我。

    Oh it 's you . I didn 't think you came here to see me .

  18. 原来是你啊,麦琪,是你在捉弄我,你这只淘气的小鸟!

    So that was you Maggie , playing a trick on me you naughty naughty bird !

  19. 小军:呦,原来是你呀,好久不见啊!

    Little Jun says : yo , originally is you , does not see for a longtime !

  20. 【套用句型】【句型操练】我联系不上你,总是打错地方,原来是你给我的电话号码是错误的。

    I could not reach you and kept called the wrong place as you had given me a wrong number .

  21. 回复的四个字“缘来是你”一语双关,既表达了“原来是你”的意思,同时将“原”替换为“缘”也表示了两人的命运和缘分。

    It 's a double play on a Chinese phrase " Yuan Lai Shi Ni , " which means " So it 's you . " But she substituted the first character with a homophone , which means " destiny " or " fate . "

  22. 我才懂得,原来爱是你轻轻地依偎在我肩膀;

    I do know , love is you in my arms .

  23. 一年的时间如此短暂,原来是有你陪伴。

    A Year is so short , originally has you to accompany .

  24. 我睁开双眼,原来那是你的笑容。

    I open my eyes , it 's a smile of you .

  25. 说了半天,原来是为了你的个人基金的事。

    So that 's what this is about ... your trust fund ?

  26. 菲比:哦,哦,原来这是你的招牌啊。

    Phoebe : Oh-oh , that 's your thing .

  27. 原来这是你演的一出喜剧?

    You got a little comedy routine going there ?

  28. 原来真是你做的。

    It was you all along .

  29. 原来都是你干的

    So this was all you .

  30. 他看着本·葛恩。原来真是你,本·葛恩,扮鬼吓我们。

    He looked at Ben Gunn.So it was you , Ben Gunn , playing the ghost !