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On the nomenclature of matrix in the terrigenous clastic sedimentary rock
Mudstone matrix may inhibit cementation and play an important part in affecting reservoir ;
Violent mechanical compaction & grain deformation , intra-grain fis-sures and false matrices .
Miscellaneous-based is mainly to mud and clay minerals .
With a lower matrix content , the sandstones are extremely deficient in feldspar .
Matrix > 15 % is wacke .
The pormeability is lightly influenced by sorting coefficient , matrix content and cementing material content .
The compositional and textural maturities of turbidites are low while the matrix content is high .
The argillaceous matrix , kaolinite , ferruginous calcite , and siliceous are the mainly interstitial materials .
Argillaceous matrix , calcite , anhydrite , quartz overgrowth , dolomite , feldspar , increase the cement .
The sand bodies are consisted of quartz sandstone and lithic sandstone with abundant impurity and lithic fragment .
The sandstones that are coarser in grain size and well-sorted , with low matrix contents have been subjected to stronger dissolution .
Miscellaneous base of mica and clay-based cements are mainly quartz , feldspar , calcite , and small amounts of dolomite and pyrite .
The filling in sandstone reservoir is clay heterobase , including a little of silica , calcareous , authigenic clay cement and so on .
On that bases , the main factors affecting reservoir property are clarified , that are structures of rocks , shale content and diagenesis .
Studies show that the original fillings of sandstone are mainly superficially hydrolyzed volcanic dust , which is a superfine mixture of aluminosilicate and silicate .
The visible pores in sandstone are mainly intergranular pores with secondary feldspar dissolved pores , and micropores are mainly distributed in matrix and cement .
Firstly , according to the matrix content , sandstone is divided into two categories : the sandstone with matrix < 15 % is anenite ;
Sand bodies were provided with good connectedness , coarse granularity , high debris content , low matrix content and good porosity-permeability becoming the most important uranium hosted strata .
The content of mud matrix is low and the type of cements observed are quartz overgrowths , carbonate and clay minerals which including kaolinite , illite and chlorite .
The Jurassic reservoirs in the Moxizhuang region , Junggar Basin , Xinjiang are characterized by low compositional maturity , abundant debris , low matrix contents and high textural maturity .
The deep-water elastics consist of classic turbidites , massive sandstone , pebbly sandstone , clast-supported conglomerate , and matrix-supported beds ( including debris flows , pebbly mudstone , slumps ) .
Foreign matter content up to 25 % ~ 45 % in fine sandstone and siltstone , and it showed its turbidity deposit characteristics and in which Bouma sequence developed uncompletely .
Sedimentation controlled the textures of clastic rocks such as matrix , sorting and rounding , and further affected the texture of primary pores , which served as basement for later dissolution .
Langjiexue Group rock composition contains the deal with the construction a low and mud high , have the near source to sink to accumulate quickly muddy to accumulate the rock characteristic .
Miscellaneous base mainly kaolinite Lord ; A small chlorite , cementation content with secondary quartz primarily , cementation types to silicon cementation is given priority to , followed by calcium cementation , and a small amount of iron cementation .
The quartz overgrowth cementation mixture pores diagenetic facies , authigenic kaolinite cementation inter-crystal pores diagenetic facies , and clay matrix filling dissolution facies that distributing between the dense diagenetic facies are the most profitable diagenetic zones for developing high-quality reservoirs .
The reservoir at Shan member 2 , Yulin gas field is typically low porosity , low permeability and tight sandstone reservoir , the types of pore spaces are dominated by inter-grain pores and inter-crystal pores , with a few dissolved matrix pores .
Because both density of framework of rock and density of rock are dynamic performance , and included same components of detritus , matrix , cement , and their connotation and applicable conditions are consistent , porosity calculated according to the model is more accurate .
These seven Wells of the sandstone chip for the average miscellaneous base content 3.29 % , much lower than the sandstone classification of 15 % of the miscellaneous and miscellaneous sandstone , suggesting that HuaQing area content in the seven Wells for its main sandstone net sandstone .