
  • 网络secondary forest
  1. 原始次生林蜘蛛群落结构研究

    Structure of Spider Communities in the Original Secondary Forest

  2. 在影响原始次生林蜘蛛群落结构的诸因素中,人为干扰的影响作用最大。

    Among the factors that affect the spider communities of original secondary forest , people 's interference is the strongest one .

  3. 为了合理利用土壤资源,必须保护现有的原始次生林,制止乱砍滥伐、毁林开荒和毁林种药,大力植树造林,积极发展珍贵树种,以使这块绿色宝库能够永续利用。

    For rational utilization of soil resourses , we must conserve the secondary forests now still existing , prevent deforestation for arable cultivation and medicinal herbs planting , take active steps in afforestation and develop valuable tree species , so that this " green treasure-house " will maintain sustained yield .

  4. 从森林景观恢复和森林经营的角度,建立了适用于FLR的森林景观要素分类系统,包括退化原始林、次生林、退化林地、人工林等类型。

    In view of forest restoration and rehabilitation , system of forest landscape element types was set up , mainly including degraded primary forest , secondary forest , degraded forest land and plantation .

  5. 原始林和次生林分离的菌株没有各自的特异性。

    DSE strains from primary and secondary forests had no host specificity .

  6. 长白山原始林和次生林土壤有效氮含量对模拟氮沉降的响应

    Responses of Soil Available Nitrogen of Natural Forest and Secondary Forest to Simulated N Deposition in Changbai Mountain

  7. 九寨沟和黄龙自然保护区原始林与次生林土壤物理性质比较

    Comparison of Soil Physical Properties under Primary and Secondary Forests in Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong Nature Reserves , Sichuan , China

  8. 长白山北坡原始林与次生林植物物种多样性比较及影响因素分析

    Comparison of Plant Species Diversity and Factors Influencing Species Diversity of Primeval and Secondary Forests on the Northern Slope of Changbai Mountains , China

  9. 采用样地调查法对西双版纳地区4种植被亚型原始林和次生林的蚂蚁群落作了比较研究。

    Through sample plot investigating method , a comparative study on ant communities in primeval and secondary forests of 4 vegetation subtypes were conducted in Xishuangbanna District .

  10. 采用样带网格调查方法和α、β多样性指数分析方法,研究了长白山河岸带原始林和次生林群落木本植物多样性沿海拔梯度分布规律及其对采伐干扰的响应。

    By setting up sample transects and using α and β diversity indices , this paper studied the woody plant diversity and its responses to cutting in the stream riparian primeval and secondary forests along an altitudinal gradient in Changbai Mountains .

  11. ITTO对原始林、退化原始林、次生林和其他热带森林类别的界定

    ITTO 's Classification and Definition on Primary Forest , Degraded Primary Forest , Secondary Forest and Other Categories of Tropical Forests