
  • 网络Fossil energy;fossil fuel
  1. 随着当今社会对环境和能源的日益重视以及传统化石能源的消耗,质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)作为一种高效、清洁、环境友好的发电装置得到了广泛的关注。

    As a highly effective and clean power generating device , proton exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) has obtained more and more support , with the emphasis on the environment and the consumption of the traditional fossil fuels .

  2. 峰值研究:已从石油峰值扩展到化石能源峰值

    Peak research : from peak oil to peak fossil fuels

  3. 化石能源转换中实现H2/CO2分离的技术&膜反应器

    Technology of h_2 / co_2 separation realized in fossil energy conversion & membrane reactor

  4. 以传统化石能源洁净利用为中心,构建生产氢并有效减少CO2排放的可持续发展能源系统势在必行。

    It is urgent to develop sustainable energy systems with producing hydrogen from carbonaceous energy with CO_2 capture .

  5. 我国化石能源燃烧产生的CO2排放量预测中国工业燃烧能源导致碳排放的因素分解

    Forecast of Carbon Dioxide Emission Arising from Fossil Energy Consumption in China Decomposition of Energy-induced CO_2 Emissions in Industry of China

  6. 其中,化石能源消费量可以在较低的人均GDP水平上实现与经济增长绝对脱钩。

    Wherein , the consumption of fossil energy can achieve " decoupling " with economic development under lower GDP per capita .

  7. 位于密苏里州的行业协会国家生物柴油委员会的发言人MichaelFrohlich曾说到,在寻求化石能源替代物的道路上,海藻正成为越来越热门的候选品之一。

    Algae has become one of the hotter commodities in the quest for fossil fuel alternatives , said Michael Frohlich , a spokesman for the National Biodiesel Board , a Missouri-based trade organization .

  8. 发展便携式或微型SOFC电池组并实现燃料多样化是当前SOFC发展的重要方向,这对于降低运行成本,提高现有化石能源的利用率都有非常重要的意义。

    The portable or micro SOFC stack and diversity of fuel will be the key development orientation for SOFCs , which is of very great importance to reduce operational cost and increase utilization rate of Fossil Fuel .

  9. 但是该种方式不仅加热效率低,而且耗费化石能源。

    However , this heating method has a relatively low efficiency .

  10. 同时化石能源的大量使用,也造成了严重的环境污染。

    Meanwhile the use of fossil fuel results in environmental pollution .

  11. 可再生能源的使用能够改善环境,节省化石能源。

    Using regenerative energy can Improve environment and save fossil energy .

  12. 湖北省恩施州化石能源消费与森林固碳效应分析

    Analysis on fossil energy consumption and forest carbon sequestration in Enshi Prefecture

  13. 化石能源的大量使用,导致环境问题突出。

    The massive use of fossil fuel has caused ever-worsening environmental problems .

  14. 但是,传统的化石能源并不是取之不尽用之不竭的。

    However , the traditional fossil fuels are not inexhaustible .

  15. 出租车和公交车等城市公共交通的化石能源足迹所占比例较小。

    Fossil energy footprint of the taxis and buses accounted for relatively small .

  16. 化石能源含碳量最高,通过燃烧而释放出来。

    Fossil energy has the highest content of carbon which is released by combustion .

  17. 入世对我国常规化石能源产业发展的影响分析

    Influence Analysis of China 's Entering into WTO on Common Fossil Energy Industry Development

  18. 传统化石能源的稀缺性决定了发展新能源的必要性。

    Traditional fossil energy scarcity decided to the necessity of development of new energy .

  19. 改变了人类世界的三次工业革命过程中,都是以化石能源为主要依托。

    The third industrial revolution in human world were supported by fossil power energy .

  20. 目前化石能源枯竭是人类所面临的一个严峻课题。

    At present the fossil energy exhaustion is a serious subject to human beings .

  21. 可再生能源替代化石能源。

    Renewable energy will replace fossil energy .

  22. 生物质能作为一种可再生能源,是传统化石能源很好的替代品。

    As a renewable energy , biomass is a good substitute of the traditional fossil .

  23. 随着化石能源危机的加剧,电动车得到了广泛的普及。

    With the aggravation of fossil energy crisis , electric vehicle has got extensive popularization .

  24. 由于化石能源的日益匮乏,可再生能源越来越引起人们的注意。

    With fossil fuels becoming rare everyday , renewable energy attracts more and more attention .

  25. 传统化石能源的大量使用引发了日益严峻的环境和社会问题。

    The slather of traditional energy resources brings us lots of austere environment and social problems .

  26. 化石能源的大量使用还造成了对环境的巨大污染。

    The large combustion of the fossil fuels make a lot of pollution to the environment .

  27. 煤炭属于化石能源,其开采有相当大的风险和安全问题。

    Coal and energy are fossil fuels , exploitation has a considerable risk and safety issues .

  28. 石油是关乎我国国计民生的重要化石能源,且不可再生。

    Petroleum is an important and non-renewable fossil fuel related to the lifeblood of economic development .

  29. 清洁的可再生能源太阳能大有取代传统化石能源的趋势。

    Clear and recyclable solar energy has become a trend to replace traditional fossil fuel energy .

  30. 作为一种极有潜力的化石能源-海洋天然气水合物日益受到人们更多的关注。

    Marine gas hydrate , potential fossil energy resources , has attracted more and more attention .