
  • 网络Black'N Jean;cosmetic urge;cosmetic advertisement
  1. 然而,作为一种特殊的广告,化妆品广告也有其自身的特点。

    However , the cosmetic advertisement also has its uniqueness .

  2. 近来有很多关于化妆品广告语言严谨性的讨论。

    There are currently many debates concerning the rigorousness of cosmetic advertisement languages .

  3. 那个代表想让纳塔利做化妆品广告的模特儿

    The representative wanted Natalie to be a model in cosmetics commercials .

  4. 汉语化妆品广告语中的语用预设分析

    An Analysis of Pragmatic Presupposition in Chinese Cosmetic Advertising Language

  5. 90化妆品广告:让我如何相信你?

    Cosmetic Advertisements : How Can You Enable Us to Trust You ?

  6. 汉英化妆品广告的人际意义对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Interpersonal Meaning in Chinese and English Cosmetics Advertising Texts

  7. 误导性化妆品广告的批判性语篇分析

    A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Misleading Cosmetic Advertisements

  8. 第二章阐述了女性时尚杂志和化妆品广告诉求的基本知识。

    The second chapter describes the female fashion magazines and cosmetics advertising appeals .

  9. 有些化妆品广告煞有介事地声称能延缓皱纹的出现。

    There were advertisements for cosmetics purporting to delay the development of wrinkles .

  10. 本文主要研究中、英文化妆品广告中的人际意义。

    This thesis studies the interpersonal meaning in Chinese and English cosmetic advertising texts .

  11. 通过这两种主要翻译方法,读者可以更好地理解英文化妆品广告中的修辞美。

    The two translation methods can make readers better understand beauty of rhetorical devices .

  12. 化妆品广告的网络媒体选择

    Media Carriers of Makeup 's Network Ads

  13. 化妆品广告词的创意设计

    Idea and Design of Cosmetics Advertising Commentaries

  14. 主要分析和研究顺应性以及变异性在中外化妆品广告中的语用模糊功效。

    This thesis mainly analyzes and studies the vague functioning of adaptability and variability in cosmetic advertisements .

  15. 所以我等到人少的时候再去,就像在化妆品广告里凯蒂·佩里的皮肤。

    So I waited until the coast was clear , like Katy Perry 's skin on Proactiv .

  16. 本文着眼于我国化妆品广告在时尚类杂志上的诉求方式与表现研究。

    This article focuses on the research of our country fashion magazine cosmetics advertising demand way and performance .

  17. 目前,许多化妆品广告强调皮肤保湿,相比之下,眼睛保湿可能更为重要。

    At present , many cosmetics ads emphasize skin moisturizing eye , in contrast , can more important .

  18. 化妆品广告更是以优美的语言在广告行业占据重要地位。

    Relying on the beautiful language of cosmetic advertisements , it occupies an important position in the field of advertisements .

  19. 本文试图从汉语语言学的视角,从不同侧面对化妆品广告语言进行较为系统深入的探析。

    This thesis carries on systematic and thorough analysis on the advertising language of cosmetics in view of Chinese linguistics .

  20. 在化妆品广告产业迅速发展的今天,中国化妆品广告业面临着更多的机遇和挑。

    In cosmetic advertisement of the rapid development of the industry today , China cosmetics advertising faces more opportunities and pick .

  21. 然后重点归纳和分析化妆品广告英语在词汇和句法两大方面的主要语言特点。

    Then , it mainly summarizes and analyzes major linguistic characteristics of cosmetic advertising English , including two aspects on morphology and syntax .

  22. 广告语言研究是当前应用语言学领域的研究热点。目前针对化妆品广告语言的研究相对来说还比较薄弱,需要开展更为全面、细致的专门研究。

    The study of advertising language is the focus of the applied linguistics , which is relatively weak and needs entirely meticulous research .

  23. 随着全球化进程加快以及国际商业竞争日益激烈,化妆品广告的跨文化效应受到越来越多的关注。

    With the globalization and the increasingly intensive international commercial competition , intercultural effect of cosmetic advertising is attracting more and more attention .

  24. 在化妆品广告的顺应性方面,作者主要从心理,社会以及物理世界等方面来进行详细的分析。

    As for the aspect of adaptability in cosmetic advertisements , the author mainly analyzes sample advertisements from mental , social and physical world .

  25. 广告广告本文着眼于我国时尚类杂志化妆品广告对受众品牌态度的影响策略研究。

    This dissertation is seen from the angle to the study on influential tactics towards their audience of cosmetic advertisements in Chinese fashion magazines .

  26. 电视化妆品广告不仅仅是商家的营销工具,而且对大众文化和社会风气有着深刻的影响。

    TV advertising is not only the cosmetics business marketing tool , but also have a profound impact on popular culture and social climate .

  27. 结果表明:1.新时代新环境中,电视仍然是化妆品广告投放的最佳媒体。

    The results showed that : 1 . The new era of new environment , TV is still the best media advertising cosmetics . 2 .

  28. 本文旨在从系统功能语法的角度研究化妆品广告的人际意义。

    The purpose of the present research is to probe into the interpersonal meaning in Chinese cosmetic advertising texts from the approach of Systemic-Functional grammar .

  29. 第四章分析了女性时尚杂志化妆品广告的诉求策略,并从传播学的角度对其进行了理论阐释。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the demands of the female fashion magazine cosmetics advertising strategy , from the perspective of Communication Studies carried out theoretical explanation .

  30. 本文认为,在翻译英文化妆品广告的修辞手段时,省略、模仿和语音修辞主要采用非修辞翻译法。

    This thesis considers that in translating the rhetorical devices in English cosmetic advertisements , ellipsis , imitation and phonetic rhetoric can mainly adopt the non-rhetorical translation .