
  • 网络chemical logistics
  1. 构建了基于BP神经网络的化工物流园区运营安全评价模型,利用MATLAB神经网络工具箱图形用户界面(GUI)对网络模型进行训练和仿真,使该模型的误差达到预定的范围内。

    It established chemical logistics park operation safety evaluation model based on BP neural network , training and simulating network model by using graphical user interface ( GUI ) of MATLAB neural network toolbox , made the model error reach the predetermined range inner .

  2. 化工物流园区的发展现状及国内外比较分析

    The Development Status and a Comparative Analysis at Home and Abroad of Chemical Logistics Park

  3. 某化工物流扩建仓库用房项目职业病危害预评价

    Occupational Hazards Pre-Evaluation of Expanding Construction Project of a Chemical Logistics Warehouse

  4. 化工物流产业集群竞争优势分析&以上海化学工业区物流产业园为例

    Analysis on Competitive Superiority of Chemistry Logistics Industry Cluster Dandong Industrial Zone

  5. 化工物流区与液化品港一体化运作模式研究

    Study on Integrated Operation Mode of Chemicals Logistics Park and Liquid Chemicals Port

  6. 发展晋城的煤化工物流

    Development of the Logistics of Coal Industry in Jincheng

  7. 对第三方化工物流企业发展的思考

    Discuss on the Development of TPL Enterprises

  8. 最后,以实例对两种化工物流园区运营模式进行了安全性对比分析。

    Finally , the paper studied the comparative analysis to safety of two chemical logistics park operation modes with an example .

  9. 希望本文能够给我国化工物流业及其他物流信息系统的建设发展提供有益的参考。

    Hope this text can provide beneficial reference for the construction development of Petrochemical logistics and other logistics information system in china .

  10. 化工物流为石化行业提供原料及产品的运输,是其生存和发展的重要基础。

    Chemical logistics in the petrochemical industry includes the transportation of raw materials and products . It is important for the survival and the development of the Petrochemical industry .

  11. 第二部分分析石化行业物流的特点,使人们从总体上认识化工物流在包装、运输、仓储方面的特殊性。

    The second part focuses on the particularity of petrochemical logistics . It will give people basic ideas of the specialty in the packaging , transportation and storage in petrochemical logistics .

  12. 在对我国化工物流的现状做简要分析基础上,重点分析探讨了我国化工物流的发展趋势。

    Base on the brief analysis on the actuality of chemical industry logistics in our country , this paper primarily discusses the development trend of chemical industry logistics in our country .

  13. 化工物流园区为化工产业提供配套的物流服务,具有监管部门多、安全性要求高等特点,有多种物流运营模式可供选择,目前对它的研究尚不成熟。

    Chemical logistics park provides matching logistics services for chemical industry , involving many supervision departments , higher safety requirements and other characteristics , there are many logistics operation modes to choose , currently study on it is still not mature .

  14. 揭示了化工物流产业集群形成的机理,继而通过对上海化学工业区物流产业园区的现状和特点进行剖析,提出实施该行业产业集群能带来效率、品牌等多方面的竞争优势。

    The paper reveals the forming mechanism of chemistry logistics cluster , figures out the competitive superiority brought by the industry cluster , including efficiency , brand and so on through analyzing the current situation and features of the logistics park of Shanghai chemistry industry park .

  15. 因此,本文将DEA方法引入到化工行业物流金融交易平台的信用评价中,以控制平台的融资业务风险。

    DEA method is introduced to the chemical industry logistics financing trading platform for SME credit evaluation .

  16. 宁波化工区物流公司经营战略分析

    Business Strategy Analysis of Logistics Company of Ningbo Chemical Park

  17. T化工厂物流网络优化布局研究

    Research on Optimization of Logistic Network Location Method of a Chemical Plant

  18. 以化工生产物流系统为例,分析了建立安全软测量混合多模型过程中的安全生产风险辨识原则和步骤。

    Taking logistics system of chemical industry production for example , principle and steps of risk identification in safety production based on mixed soft measurement model are analyzed .

  19. 化工区物流设施布局是化工区建设过程中一项重要的工作,物流设施布局的优劣直接影响到化工区运营效率的高低。

    The layout of chemical logistics facilities that will directly affect the level of operational efficiency is an important work in the construction process in the chemical area .

  20. 再次根据化工区物流设施布局的双重目标,提出设施布局的优化模型,并用遗传算法进行求解。

    Based on the dual goals of chemical logistics facilities in the layout , the paper proposed the optimization model of facilities layout and solved the model with genetic algorithm .

  21. 首先从化工区物流设施的基本理论知识入手,阐述了化工区物流设施的定义和分类,提出了化工区物流设施布局规划的目标、原则、内容和程序。

    First , on the basis of theoretical knowledge of the chemical logistics facilities , the paper stated the definition and classification of chemical logistics facilities , and presented the principles , contents and procedures of chemical logistics facilities in the layout planning .

  22. 具体的分析了西南化工销售公司物流的外部环境及存在的问题,这些都为战略的制定及实施打下坚实的基础。

    Specific analysis of the Southwest Chemical sales company logistics external environment and the existing problems , these are for strategy formulation and implementation to lay a solid foundation .

  23. 中石化化工销售企业多级物流网络优化研究

    The Optimization Study on Multi-level Logistics Network of Sinopec Chemical Products Sales Enterprise

  24. 第五部分是西南化工销售分公司物流战略的实施与保障措施。

    The fifth part is the Southwest Chemical sales company logistics strategy implementation and guarantee measures .

  25. 第四部分是西南化工销售分公司物流战略规划,是本文的重点。

    The fourth part is the Southwest Chemical sales company logistics strategic planning , is the focus of this paper .

  26. 太古漆油公司作为知名的化工企业,在物流成本控制方面存在着很多问题。

    Swire Paints , as a well-known chemical companies , there are a lot of problems in the logistics cost control .

  27. 对T化工厂来说,物流网络设计与优化也已经成为其现代化进程必不可少的步骤之一。

    The logistic network design has become one of the most essential steps in the process of modernization of the enterprise .

  28. 长期担任外贸、化工、建筑、物流等行业企业的常年法律顾问。

    Lawyer Cathy Xiong provides long-term legal counselor service for foreign trade , Chemics , construction , logistics and other industrial enterprises .

  29. 汽车起重机具有机动灵活、转移速度快等特点,广泛应用于建筑、能源、化工、造船、物流等领域。

    With good mobility and fast transfer characteristics , crane is widely used in the fields of construction , energy , chemistry , shipbuilding and so on .

  30. 首先介绍了某化工机械厂的物流现状及其存在的问题,最后提出了新的优化布局,改善物流的方案设计。

    The paper introduces the current situation and problems of logistics in a chemical machinery factory and puts forward a new scheme to optimize layout and improve logistics .