
  • 网络Ocean;ocean energy;Marine Energy
  1. 文章对中国国家知识产权局(SIPO)专利数据库中海洋能专利授权情况进行了分类统计。

    Wherefore , ocean energy conversion patents in State Intellectual Property Office of P.R. China ( SIPO ) are searched and sorted .

  2. 福建沿岸及其岛屿的海洋能资源探讨

    An approach on potential ocean energy resources in Fujian coast and its islands waters

  3. 海洋能及其国内外开发现状

    Status of exploitation of marine energy at home and abroad

  4. 海洋能利用的前景与开发策略建议

    Prospects for Usage of Marine Energy and Its Developmental Strategy

  5. 海洋能在海洋环境测量标上的应用

    The Sea Energy Source Application in the Sea Environment

  6. 开发利用海洋能的主要途径是用于发电。

    Exploitation of marine energy concentrates on electricity production .

  7. 我国海洋能开发利用情况分析

    Analysis on renewable oceanic energy use in China

  8. 利用废弃平台进行海洋能发电的可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis of the Utilization of the Waste Platform for Marine Energy Power Generation

  9. 海洋能的开发与利用

    Development and utilization of ocean energy

  10. 在明确关键技术的同时,编写海洋能多能互补智能供电系统的开发流程。

    Meanwhile , the development process for the hybrid marine energy intelligent powersupply system is also determined .

  11. 海洋能开发对沿海和海岛社会经济的发展具有积极的促进作用。

    The facilitation of ocean energy development on the society and economy in coastal and island area is positive .

  12. 波浪能,作为海洋能的重要组成部分,正日益被人类加以重视和利用,理论研究与实验研究正日益成熟,逐渐走向商业化的应用道路。

    Wave energy , as one important part of ocean energy , is gradually being more emphasized and utilized .

  13. 随着化石燃料能源危机的加剧,人类对海洋能的开发需求日益迫切。

    With the increase of fossil fuel energy crisis , the human development of ocean energies demand increasingly urgent .

  14. 尽管海洋能瓦解垃圾,但海岸可能会被污染,鱼类不能吃。

    Although the sea breaks up the waste , beaches may become polluted and fish may not safe to eat .

  15. 在新能源开发方面,青岛市应大力发展海洋能、风能、太阳能和生物质能。

    In the new energy utilization , Qingdao should vigorously develop ocean , wind , solar , and biomass energy .

  16. 波浪能是目前海洋能开发的焦点,各国纷纷投入巨大力量进行波浪能发电技术的研究。

    Wave energy is the focus of ocean energies development , countries have invested enormous effort on wave power technology .

  17. 这就意味着海洋能系统并不需要特别大,却能产生大量的能量。

    This means that Ocean Energy systems do not have to be very large to produce significant amounts of energy .

  18. 风能、太阳能、水能、海洋能、生物质能等新能源;

    New energy such as wind energy , solar energy , hydro energy , ocean energy , biomass energy , etc ;

  19. 介绍了我国在太阳能、风能、海洋能、地热能、生物质能和氢气等绿色能源方面的开发和利用情况。

    Solar energy , wind energy , oceanic energy , geothermic energy , biologic energy and hydrogen are known as green energy resources .

  20. 波浪能资源作为继潮汐能资源之后利用发展最快的一种海洋能,波浪发电技术已进行试验阶段,电能传输技术较为成熟,并网技术仍有待改进。

    Wave energy conversion technology is in pilot phase , energy transmission technology becomes mellow , and network technology still needs to be improved .

  21. 印度,其广阔的海岸线和海洋能保证这些措施,通过适当的政策,通过科学技术和生物技术。

    India , with its vast coastline and seas can guarantee these measures with adequate policies through adoption of science and technology and biotechnology .

  22. 但海岛也有其优点:渔盐资源丰富,风能、太阳能、海洋能开发潜力大,气候资源优越。

    However , island has their own superiorities such as abounds in fishery and salt resources and wind and marine energy resources can be exploited potentially .

  23. 更为安全的核电站、高效太阳能电池以及利用风能和海洋能的技术都在期望之列。

    Safer nuclear-power stations , highly efficient solar cells and the ability to extract more energy from the wind and the sea are among the things promised .

  24. 最后根据统计数据从专利的角度分析了中国海洋能研究的进展和前景。

    In the end , the evolvement and prospects of the Ocean Energy Conversion are analyzed from the viewpoint of patent according to the result of statistic sorts .

  25. 在目前众多的新能源中,海洋能以其显著的优点和巨大的利用价值受到了国内外的广泛关注。

    Among various new energies today , the ocean energy , with its significant advantages and great value , has received extensive attention both at home and abroad .

  26. 美国现阶段对新能源构想的核心部分是核能,而太阳能、风能、生物质能、地热能、海洋能等的开发也在齐头并进。

    At present , America visualizes the nuclear energy as its core part , while other energy produced by sun , wind , biomass , geothermic and ocean are all in a procession .

  27. 其中,通过波浪能进行发电是海洋能利用的重要方式之一,因此,进行海浪发电技术的研究具有深刻和广泛的现实意义。

    Using the wave energy to generate electricity is one of the most important ways to utilize the ocean energy . To study the wave power generation has deep and extensive practical significance .

  28. 为开发清洁可再生能源,保护地球环境,我国在太阳能与风能发电方面都取得了长足的进步,但是在海洋能特别是波浪能利用方面,与世界仍有较大差距。

    In China , solar and wind power have made considerable progress , but in the area of ocean energy utilization especially wave energy area , still has obvious gap with the world .

  29. 热电发电是一种合理地利用地热、太阳能、海洋能及余热和废热等低势能转换为电能的有效方式。

    Generating electricity by thermoelectricity is a kind of efficient mode using terrestrial heat solar energy , oceanic energy , surplus heat or deposed heat , which can convert the low potential energy into electricity .

  30. 本文给出了我国各类海洋能资源(潮汐、波浪、潮流、温差、盐差和海流能)蕴藏量粗略的估算结果。

    The estimated reserves of various ocean energy sources in our country , such as tide , wave , current , tidal current , ocean thermal energy and salinity gradient energy are given in this paper .