首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 我勤政爱民,整天为国事,为百姓的生活担心忧虑。

    I am worried about people 's life and the state affairs all day .

  2. 勤政爱民是以德治国的重要施政原则。

    The last , be diligent in politics and love people is the important rule .

  3. 这些忠臣的死谏是为了唤醒君王勤政爱民,也是对暴君的控诉。

    These loyal subjects about the purpose is to awaken the death of the king his industrious , is also to bring charges against the tyrant .

  4. 为官期间,他推行仁义,勤政爱民,努力践行儒家的民本、吏治思想。

    During his official period , he pursued righteousness , worked hard for people , and strived to practice the Confucian official administration , people-oriented thoughts .

  5. 如何构建一套促使公务员开拓进取、廉洁奉公、勤政爱民的激励机制,将直接影响到政府的行政效率和运作水平。

    How structure a set of administrative efficiency and operation level that the incentive mechanism , general urging make pioneering efforts , clean and devoted , frequent political affairs of government functionary to cherish people have direct impact to the government .