
  • 网络Laboring Process;the labor process;Labour Process
  1. 服务的劳动过程和价值创造过程有其特殊性,服务生产与消费同时进行,产品以活动形态存在;

    There are particularities between the labour process of service and the process of creation value . Service production and consumption are done at the same time , and products exist in activity forms .

  2. 它的意象造型特色具有一定的典型性,来源于对生活本质性的理解,是民众在劳动过程中的智慧结晶。

    Its image sculpt has some typical characteristics , which come from the comprehension of the true nature of life and the wisdom result of the common people in their laboring process .

  3. 研究职业安全卫生立法对保障劳动者在劳动过程中的安全健康,保障生产经营人员的利益,促进社会经济的发展具有重要意义。

    Study the legislation of occupational safety and health is important .

  4. 防止劳动过程中的事故,减少职业危害。

    Prevent accidents during work and reduce occupational hazards .

  5. 劳动者在劳动过程中必须严格遵守安全操作规程。

    A worker shall strictly observe safety operation procedures .

  6. 不过这一劳动过程同样留下了工人对生产条件的不满等问题。

    Nevertheless , it left behind laborers ' complaint of the poor working conditions .

  7. 热环境劳动过程中机体的调节与适应

    Thermoregulation and acclimatization to work in hot environments

  8. 乙方在劳动过程中必须严格遵守甲方制定的安全操作规程和劳动纪律。

    Party B shall strictly abide by the safety rules and disciplines made by Party A.

  9. 资本主义劳动过程与马克思主义经济学

    Capitalist Labor Process and Marxist Economics

  10. 跨国劳动过程的空间政治:全球化时代的宿舍劳动体制

    The Spatial Politics of Transnational Labor Process : Dormitory labor regime in the age of globalization

  11. 本文是对服务业女性农民工劳动过程的一项个案研究。

    This dissertation is a case study on the labor process of female migrants in service industry .

  12. 在劳动过程中,我们知道了有关劳动的一些弊端。

    In the course of that experience , we have learned some very bad things about work .

  13. 地质工作总过程中生产资料的社会化、劳动过程的社会化和工作成果的社会化。

    The socialization of production means , labour courses and achievements in the general course of geological work .

  14. 劳资关系,是劳动者与其所在组织单位之间在劳动过程中所发生的关系。

    Labor relations , is laborer and unit of organization in labor process between have happened in the relationship .

  15. 信息基本循环过程表现为人类的社会化信息劳动过程。

    Information basic recurrence process represent as socialization information labor process , so it is various on information measure .

  16. 高校教师职业道德规范,是高校教师在高等教育劳动过程中必须遵循的行为准则。

    University Teacher Occupation Moral Standard is the code of conduct that the teachers of colleges or universities should follow .

  17. 这样的调整经常比著名的然而是理论上的离间劳动过程和产品更重要。

    Such adaptations are often more important than the famous but theoretical alienation from the process and product of labor .

  18. 为了解决这些问题,后福特制资本主义劳动过程应运而生,这一劳动过程在建构弹性化的、灵活性的生产模式的同时,进一步推进了劳动的抽象化;

    To solve these problems , post-Fordism ushered in a flexible mode of production only to find labor itself more abstract .

  19. 从劳动过程的三要素出发,分析劳动过程的复杂性和劳动形态;

    According to the three factors of a labor process , the complexity and states of a labor process are analyzed .

  20. 在高度机械化的现代社会,劳动者在劳动过程遭受工伤事故的风险变得极大的增强。

    With more and more high mechanization used by our modern society , workers suffer accident risk became greatly enhanced in labor process .

  21. 20世纪70年代以来,西方激进学者进一步扩展了马克思的劳动过程理论,认为资本主义劳动过程处于福特主义阶段。

    Radical Western Scholars expanded further Marx 's Theory of Labor Process since 1970s and thought capitalist labor process in the phrase of Fordism .

  22. 职业性有害因素,即在生产环境和劳动过程中存在和产生的可能危害职业人群健康和劳动能力的各种因素。

    Occupational hazards arise from a variety of factors in production environment and process which maybe harm the health and working capacity of workers .

  23. 近十几年来人们对养路工劳动过程中的粉尘危害和工人的健康方面进行了大量研究,但关于心理及疲劳方面的研究却很少。

    During the past decades scientists have extensively investigated in dust hazard state and human physiological health , however there are little reports about psychological or fatigue .

  24. 许多研究证明,作业环境和劳动过程中的社会心理紧张因素可影响职业人群的心理健康。

    Research works prove , social and psychological factors that cause strain in work environment and labor process may affect the psychological health of the professional crowd .

  25. 在劳动过程中关于劳动的权利概念、内容体系存在较大的争议,以致不利于劳动的权利保护。

    Because of greater disputes about right concept , content system of working in the course of working , it is unfavorable to protect the right of labor .

  26. 反映劳动过程技术条件的方面,即劳动者和劳动资料相结合的方式和方法,可称为技术生产方式;

    The technical condition of working process , namely the way and method of combining labor with means of working , may be called the technical production mode ;

  27. 煤矿安全规制是纠正市场失灵、保障煤矿工人劳动过程中健康和安全的重要手段。

    Coal mine safety regulation is an important instrument to correct market failure and to protect miners ' rights of health and safety in the course of mining .

  28. 分析高等学校教师劳动过程的特殊性,界定教师需要的基本特点,提出教师需要的有效激励手段。

    To Analyse the particular of Colleges and Universities of Higher Learning Teachers'work , Maintain the Basic Characteristic of Teacher'needs , Put Forward the Way of Effective Encourage .

  29. 在生产劳动过程中,打猎者腿、臂和手的运动可以说是人类社会最早的运动形式。

    The movements of the hunter 's legs , arms and hands in his productive labour may be said to be the earliest forms of sport in human society .

  30. 在这里,劳动力支配使用权与劳动力直接使用权分属不同的两个经济主体,因而构成生产劳动过程的不可缺少的内容。

    Here the power to dominate labor access and the power to use labor directly belong to two economic agents , and therefore constitute the indispensable contents of production process .