
  • 网络Social Control
  1. 警察部门的无能包含了Collins的观点,即对罪恶的社会控制是无效的,没有社会正义。

    The incompetence of the police force embodies Collins'view that the social control of crime is ineffective , and there is no social justice .

  2. 保罗・巴比特(PaulBabbitt),南阿肯色大学(SouthernArkansasUniversity)副教授:在将互联网用作政治和社会控制工具方面,政府的效率将大大提高。

    Paul Babbitt , an associate professor at Southern Arkansas University : ' Governments will become much more effective in using the Internet as an instrument of political and social control .

  3. 上周,美国自由派人士汤姆帕尔默(tompalmer)来到伦敦,谴责“跨越世界的带动偷窃、堕落、操纵和社会控制等各种现象的火车头我们称之为福利国家”。

    Last week , Tom Palmer , the American libertarian , came to London to denounce the " world-straddling engine of theft , degradation , manipulation and social control we call the welfare state " .

  4. 我国互联网的社会控制研究

    The Research on the Social Control of the Internet in China

  5. 不同的性格及社会控制力导致了他们的犯罪行为。

    Different personalities and social control result in their criminal behavior .

  6. 社会控制弱化与证券违法犯罪

    On the Decline of the Social Control and Illegal Securities Crimes

  7. 民族社会控制的适度问题

    A Study of the Moderate Amount of the National Social Control

  8. 科学知识:属性、增长及其社会控制

    Scientific knowledge : Attribute , Growth and It 's Social Control

  9. 战争与非战争军事行动中的社会控制对策探析

    Counter-measures to Social Control in the War And Non-war Military Operation

  10. 编辑活动与社会控制的关系密不可分。

    The relations between editor actions and social control is not separated .

  11. 澳大利亚儿童福利:社会控制及其影响

    Child Welfare in Australia : Social Control and Its Implications

  12. 两宋时期西南地区的民族冲突与社会控制

    The National Conflict and Social Control of Southwest China in Song Dynasty

  13. 社会控制系统中的法律机制初探

    Preliminary Research of the Law Mechanism in Social Control System

  14. 论唐代婚外性行为及其社会控制

    On the Extramarital Sex Acts and their Social Control in Tang Dynasty

  15. 当代中国社会控制理论的前提性问题

    Prerequisite Question of the Contemporary China 's Social Control Theory

  16. 鄂西南民族地区宗教信仰及其社会控制功能

    Religious Belief in South-West Hubei and Its Social Control Function

  17. 近代湖南社会控制研究(1840-1949)

    Research on Social Control of Modern Hunan ( 1840-1949 );

  18. 清代华北的蝗灾与社会控制

    Locust Plagues in North China and Social Control in the Qing Dynasty

  19. 中国科技进步与社会控制

    The Scientific and Technological Advances and Social Control in China

  20. 论家族企业发展中的技术选择及其社会控制

    On Technical Selections and Social Control in the Development of Family Ventures

  21. 因此供应链社会控制被广泛关注。

    So supply chain social control is widely noted .

  22. 农业可持续发展技术的社会控制问题

    Society Control of the Sustainable Development Technique of Agriculture

  23. 论转型时期中国社会控制的功能

    On the Functions of Chinese Social Control in the Transformation of Social Types

  24. 简论社会控制与司法行政的社会作用

    A Brief Introduction to Social Control and the Social Functions of Judicial Administration

  25. 大学媒介文化的内涵及其社会控制

    The conception and control of universitys ' media culture

  26. 关于科学的社会控制的结构化分析

    Study on social control of science by structrual method

  27. 论宋代民间丧葬、祭祀礼仪与基层社会控制

    On the Civilian Funeral , Fiesta and Social Control at the Grass-roots Level

  28. 技术发展的必然性与社会控制

    The Necessity of Technology Development & Its Social Control

  29. 民族社会控制及其必然性分析

    The National Society Contral And Its Necessity Analysis

  30. 强化社会控制;落实综合治理;

    Strengthen society control , implement comprehensive harness ;