
làn kǎn làn fá
  • 熟语severe deforestation;cut/fell (trees) lavishly;cut and chop indiscriminately
  1. 长期的干旱,高温和滥砍滥伐都可以导致失去肥沃的农田。

    Long dry periods , warmer temperatures and the removal of trees can all lead to the loss of good cropland .

  2. 巴西也致力于打击滥砍滥伐,尤其是在亚马逊流域;推动可持续农业;强化本国能源结构。

    Brazil is also committed to fight deforestation , especially in the Amazon ; to promote sustainable agriculture ; and to strengthen its energy mix .

  3. 从2008年开始,巴西颁布并实施法令以防止滥砍滥伐,自此乱砍滥伐的现象已逐渐得到控制。

    Since 2008 , deforestation in Brazil has been on a steady decrease , a direct result of a ban implemented in order to counteract deforestation .

  4. 大自然已经丢失了如此多梦想,从而造成人类正在吞噬地球超过她能够再生的速度,而这在整个全球雨林消失及人类的滥砍滥伐中反映出来。

    Nature has lost so much dream that humans are consuming earth faster than she can regenerate which is reflected in the loss of rainforests and deforestation worldwide .

  5. 雌性大熊猫体重最多可达到19英石,但是野生大熊猫通常没这么重,因为滥砍滥伐导致竹子更加的难以寻觅了。

    Female giant pandas can reach up to 19 stone , but those in the wild often weighless as deforestation has led to bamboo being harder to find .

  6. 中国、印度、墨西哥、巴西以及其他新兴国家,制定了对付滥砍滥伐和大幅降低排放产出比的宏伟计划。

    China , India , Mexico , Brazil and other emerging powers have laid out ambitious plans to tackle deforestation and to reduce radically their emissions to output ratios .

  7. 然而目前由于人类剧烈的活动干扰如滥砍滥伐、滥捕滥猎、环境污染、火灾、垦荒等,生物多样性丧失的速率怵目惊心!

    However , the frequent human activities such as denudation , over-hunting , pollution , fire and so on have causedvast loss of biodiversity , and are reducing the biodiversity greatly .

  8. 90年代末,中国对采伐天然林实施了限制。此前,人们将爆发灾难性洪水的部分原因归咎于滥砍滥伐&活动人士表示,他们正继续对此进行监控。

    China imposed limits on the logging of native timber in the late 1990s after devastating floods were blamed in part on extensive deforestation – something that the activists say they continue to monitor .

  9. 由于使用一次性筷子,中国正在苦苦承受着巨大的滥砍滥伐所致的土地荒漠化问题,并且由于人们对一次性木制筷子的需求从2009年的570亿开始急遽增长,这一因素的恶劣影响如今有增无减。

    China suffers from a major deforestation problem for no reason other than chopsticks . It 's also not helped by the fact that demand for disposable wooden chopsticks is increasing dramatically , up from 57 billion in 2009 .

  10. 越来越多的科学家警告称,大规模的滥砍滥伐——亚马孙地区有20%左右的森林已经消失,另有约同等面积的森林逐步退化——可能已经产生影响,使一直以来有充足降水地区的雨水向别处转移。

    A growing number of scientists are warning that wide-scale deforestation - about 20 percent of the Amazon forest is gone already and nearly that much is degraded - may already be directing precipitation away from places long accustomed to it .

  11. 普林斯顿大学的一份研究显示,砍伐亚马孙森林可能导致远至加利福利亚州等地的干旱;而其他研究表明,最近德克萨斯州和新墨西哥州发生的干旱可能和亚马孙地区的滥砍滥伐有关。

    One Princeton study suggested that deforesting the Amazon could potentially contribute to drought in places as far away as California , while other research indicated that recent droughts in Texas and New Mexico might be linked to cutting in the Amazon .

  12. 作者通过对山东省泰山、沂蒙山区灌木资源及开发利用的综合性调查研究,指出该区灌木资源曾由于人为的滥砍滥伐、陡坡开荒、严重放牧,灌木资源一度遭到严重破坏。

    Through comprehensive investigation and study on the shrub resource and its exploitation and utilization in Taishan Mountain and Yimen Mountain it is found that the shrub resource there had been destroyed greatly because of the human cut in disorder , openning up wasted land and serious grazing .

  13. 近年来,随着人们的滥砍、滥伐、滥牧,使祁连山的冰川不断减少,雪线持续上升。

    In recent years , with people of abuse , denudation , abuse of animal husbandry cut , make the Qilian Mountain glacier dwindling , snowline continued to rise .