
  • 网络power shifting;power transition
  1. 战略变革动因理论研究围绕着这两种变化之间动态力量转移而不断发展与完善。

    Recently , central agendas in the theories of strategic change are shifting from focus on change outside to equal focus on both external to internal changes .

  2. 美国国防部长列昂.帕内塔来到北京,他带着减缓中国对美国将其军事力量转移到太平洋给中国带来的的猜疑的使命。

    U.S Defense Secretary Leon Panetta came to Beijing on a mission to ease China 's suspicions about Washington 's intentions as it shifts its forces to the Pacific .

  3. 如果力量转移到内侧板太晚的话,选手就会滑到离开滚落线太远的地方,这将使他很难应付下一个旗门。

    If the weight is transferred onto the inside ski too late , the racer gets too far across the fall line , which prevents him from properly attacking the next gate .

  4. 有人把这种变革说成是力量转移,我认为这是促进国际体系朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。

    Instead of calling this process " power shift " as some people do , I would rather say that we are on the track towards a more fair and just international order .

  5. 加上最近几年工资水平几次大幅上涨,货币的升值同时消除了中国出口商的成本优势,同时提振了新兴消费大军的购买力,这是一个可喜和必要的力量转移。

    Along with some hefty wage increases in recent years , the currency realignment is simultaneously dissolving Chinese exporters ' cost advantages while boosting the purchasing power of its army of budding consumers -- a desirable and necessary power shift .

  6. 他表示,这三个维度与上世纪英国的衰落、美国的崛起密切相关,如今,相关数据预示着,在未来几十年内,美国和中国之间也将发生同样的力量转移。

    These three dimensions correlated well with the decline of the United Kingdom and the rise of the United States last century , and they point to a similar power shift in the coming decades between the United States and China , he says .

  7. 开发平板电脑的行动中途曾暂停数年,研发力量被转移至“紫色计划”(projectpurple)这就是后来的iphone的代号。

    The tablet initiative was put on hold for a few years and development efforts were transferred to project purple the code name for what would become the iPhone .

  8. 日本的让步成为了亚洲力量平衡转移的最新标志。

    The climb down was the latest indicator of the shifting balance of power in Asia .

  9. 但业内高管承认,力量再次转移的前提是,石油价格需要大幅下降。

    For the power to shift again , however , oil prices would have to decline substantially , executives , acknowledge .

  10. 4年前,Optaros的创始人就意识到OSS将力量由ISV转移到了使用者的身上。

    Dave : Four years ago , the founders of Optaros identified that OSS was shifting power from the ISVs to users .

  11. 但是当玉米从墨西哥到达欧洲以后,这种耐寒的作物可以很容易在偏北部的气候下生长,那么中央力量就相应转移了。

    But when corn came to Europe from Mexico , wow , now they had a much hardier crop that could be grown easily in more northerly climates and centers of power began to shift accordingly .

  12. 事实上,为让IMF能够在全球经济力量向新兴世界转移的过程中发挥应有的管理作用,对它进行改造将是势在必行的。

    As it is , it must be reinvented so it can do its part in managing the shift of economic power to the emerging world .

  13. 取而代之,Maier将力量从外侧板转移至内侧板,使得滑行轨迹指向他所希望的方向(最后一帧)。

    Instead , Maier shifts the weight from the outside ski onto the inside one that takes him in the desired direction ( last frame ) .

  14. 所有人都认同,经济和政治力量正在向东方转移。

    Everybody agrees that economic and political power is moving east .

  15. 来自欧洲,特别是德国的重要力量,源源不断地转移到美国。

    It was an aspect of the continuing transfer of power from Europe , and from Germany in particular , to America .

  16. 如果买主的恐慌不过是一时的愚昧无知,它就不可能使经济力量均势的永久转移继续保持下去。

    If the panic among buyers were just a temporary foolishness , it could not sustain permanent shifts in the balance of economic power .

  17. 结果,总体人口的摄入营养都大幅度提升,而且在19世纪初人口激增,所以欧洲力量从南向北转移的现象持续下来。

    And as a result , the nutrition of the general population improved tremendously and population soared in the early 1800 and so the shift of power from southern to northern Europe continued .