
  • 网络Strength sports
  1. 从这个网站上可以看出她已经与白人妇女力量运动

    According to the web site , she 's been affiliated with the white women 's power movement

  2. 这是一个盛行到此时的被动沉思态度被质疑,并被对于物体力量运动的褒扬所取代。

    This was the era when the hitherto prevailing attitude of passive contemplation was discredited and displaced by celebration of the potent movements of material forces .

  3. 研究者最近发现一些坚果中存在的维生素N和纤维的组合对于每天参加力量型运动的人有促进作用。

    Researchers have recently discovered that the particular combination of vitamin N and fiber found in some nuts provides a boost for those who participate in strenuous physical activities daily .

  4. 背力指标具有显著性差异(P0.05),女子运动员背部肌群的力量对运动成绩的影响较大。(3)不同项目之间体质差别明显。

    Back edge indicators are significantly different ( P0.05 ), female athletes , the strength of the back muscles a greater impact on athletic performance . ( 3 ) The clear differences between physical fitness between the different projects .

  5. 均衡状态之静止,乃是诞生于两种相反力量的运动。

    The stillness of an equilibrium created by the movement of two opposing forces .

  6. 与此同时,全球化也催生了新的社会力量和运动形式。

    Meanwhile , globalization expedites the emergence of new social forces and movement form too .

  7. 补充熊果酸小鼠的力量和运动能力更强,休息时消耗的能量更多。

    Supplemented mice had greater strength and exercise capacity , and higher resting energy expenditure .

  8. 传送力量或运动的杆或弹簧或轴点的机械系统。

    A mechanical system of rods or springs or pivots that transmits power or motion .

  9. 强化力量练习运动处方对男性老年人身体功能的影响

    Effect of an exercise prescription of intensive strength training on physical function in aged males

  10. 同时使用力量训练运动和有氧活动将帮助你燃烧脂肪及使大腿更健壮。

    Using both strength-training movements and cardio activity will help you burn fat and tone the thighs .

  11. 联盟中从来没有人的个头、力量和运动能力如此完美地结合。

    The league has never seen anyone who combines his size and strength with his athletic ability .

  12. 我的身体已经在这项极度疲劳的力量举运动中支撑了很久。

    My body has held up to the test of time so far in this grueling sport of powerlifting .

  13. 沿着地点的力量和运动图,展示了水陆交界的情况。

    A diagram of forces and movements along the site , showing the boundary conditions of land versus water .

  14. 身体力量和运动威力越来越多地被用来获得地位,因此,较小男孩可能感到被排斥。

    Increasingly , physical strength and sporting prowess are used to gain status , so smaller boys can feel left out .

  15. 由于核心力量在运动训练中的重要作用,核心力量训练可以作为提高教学、训练水平的一个重要手段。

    Due to the importance of core strength in physical training , it can be used as an important method to improve teaching and training result .

  16. 研究小组发现跑步者只要缩短步伐(通过提高步频5-10%),力量和运动可能发生许多正面的改变。

    The research team found that runners who simply shortened their strides ( by increasing stride frequency by5 to10 percent ) achieved many presumably positive changes in forces and motions .

  17. 美国疾病控制和预防中心建议:成人每周坚持做150分钟中等强度的有氧运动,每周进行两天或两天以上增强肌肉力量的运动。

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults get at last 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week and participate in muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week .

  18. 而作为野兽派球员代表的霍华德在力量以及运动能力方面也有着统治级的优势,这也就是为什么大家更爱称他为“超人”的原因。

    As a representative of Fauvism Howard players and athletic ability in the force also has the advantage of the ruling class , which is why we have better pet name him " Superman " reasons .

  19. 从实验结果看出:1.摔跤运动员血液尿素氮水平较高,这说明摔跤运动对体内蛋白质代谢影响较深,是典型的力量性运动项目。

    Results of the tests showed that : 1 . The blood urea nitrogen level in a wrestler was very high , indicating the deep effect produced by wrestling on protein metabolism as a typical sport involving the contest of strength .

  20. 肌肉绝对力量、运动速度,运动中枢同步调节,Ⅱ型肌纤维发展,磷酸原系统供能能力是决定跳远运动员爆发力的生理基础。

    The absolute muscle force , movement speed , synchronistic regulation of motor nerve Center , the rate and area of ⅱ type muscle fore , the supplying energy ability of phosphagen system are the physiological foundation of athletes ' power in long jump .

  21. 如果我不得不挑一个联盟中最难防的球员,那这个人就是卡梅伦,他是一个独一无二的集身高,力量和运动能力的混合体,同时又有世界级投篮和攻击篮筐的能力。

    If I had to single one guy out who is the most difficult player to guard in the league , it would have to be Carmelo . He 's a unique blend of being big , strong , and athletic while also having a world-class shooting touch and a natural ability to get to the rim .

  22. ACL手术后的物理治疗和康复的目标,是再建你的力量、恢复运动。

    The goals of physical therapy and rehabilitation after ACL surgery are to rebuild your strength and to get your motion back .

  23. 论现代力量训练的运动负荷控制

    Talk about the Exercise Load Control of the Modern Weight Training Exercise

  24. 武装力量与奥林匹克运动的历史和现实

    Armed Forces and History and Reality of Olympic Movement

  25. 很多学者提到核心力量能改善运动能力,效果和成绩。

    Many scholars mentioned core strength can improve the sports ability , the effect and achievement .

  26. 同时,作为战后初期法国国内最重要的政治力量,抵抗运动对于战后的法国的各个方面都产生了不可估量的影响。

    It also had its indelible influence to almost all aspects of postwar France as the most importance political force .

  27. 似乎发生的是行星内部力量正试图运动,但是仍然被封闭。

    Seems to happen is that forces inside the planet are trying to move around but it can 't it 's locked .

  28. 加强武装力量与奥林匹克运动的紧密联系,对于奥林匹克运动的进步和发展具有深远的影响。

    It is of far-reaching influence for development and progress of Olympic Games to strengthen close connection with armed force and Olympic Games .

  29. 由于没有彻底有效的治疗措施,医生只能采取一些物理疗法来改善肌肉力量和保持运动能力。

    With no cure available , physicians can only treat symptoms with physical therapy to improve muscle strength and preserve range of motion .

  30. 体育美的本质是人的本质力量在体育运动实践这个特定领域中的感性显现。

    The essence of physical aesthetics lies in the perceptual performance of latent power of human beings in physical exercise , the special field .