
  • 网络Force function;ESF;airy function;hydraulic functions
  1. 采用应力场修正方法,使用Airy应力函数及Fourier变换获得层状复合材料中单个位错应力场的弹性解;

    The superposition technique and the method of Airy function along with Fourier transform are used to obtain the elastic solution of a single dislocation in a three-layered material system .

  2. Fourier级数-应力函数近似法计算晶块尺寸和微观应力

    The Calculation of Domain Size and Microstrain by the Fourier Series-Microstrain Function Approximation

  3. 本文按虚力函数法计算虚力R,研究其参数的随机性对R的直接影响,并进行初步的定量分析。

    The direct effect of other parameters ′ randomness on R is studied . A preliminary quantitative analysis is carried out .

  4. 应用奇异摄动方法导出了挠度和应力函数的一致有效的N阶渐近解。

    The uniformly valid N-order asymptotic solutions of the deflection and stress function are derived by the singular perturbation method offered in [ 1 ] .

  5. 构造极坐标中Airy应力函数的观察法

    A direct method for constructing Airy stress function in polar coordinates

  6. 提出了一个新的力函数模型,实现了非均匀核化过程的MD模拟。

    A model of force function was built up and simulation of non-homogeneous nucleation process was carried out .

  7. 矩形截面窄梁受分布载荷时Airy应力函数的一般形式

    General form of Airy stress function for rectangular narrow beam carrying distributed load

  8. 关于构造Airy应力函数的一些讨论

    Discussion on the Construction of Airy Stress Function

  9. Airy应力函数给出了满足键合界面应力平衡微分方程的解。

    Airy stress function gives a solution that satisfies the mechanical equilibrium condition at the bonded interface .

  10. 通过引入Airy应力函数,平面问题可以归结为在给定的边界条件下求解一个双调和方程。

    With Airy stress function , a plane elasticity problem can be simplified to solve a biharmonic function equation .

  11. 引入Airy应力函数,求出了裂纹尖端应力和应变场的控制方程。

    The quasi-static equations are obtained separately governing the stress and strain fields at the crack-tip by means of Airy 's stress function .

  12. Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型裂纹问题的Westergaard应力函数

    Westergaard Stress Function of ⅰ - ⅱ Mixed Crackle

  13. 给出由三角函数和多项式组成的近似挠度函数w(x,y)和应力函数F(x,y),它们满足矩形悬臂板的部分边界条件。

    In this peper , the approximate deflection function ( x , y ) and stress function F ( x , y ) which consist of trigonometrical function and polynomial expression are selected . They satisfy part of boundary conditions .

  14. 该方法构造了一个含待定系数的应力函数,通过Airy应力函数解法,给出了含待定系数的应力和位移通式。

    A stress function involving unknown coefficients was constructed , and the general expressions of stress and displacement were obtained by means of Airy stress function method .

  15. 通过分析板块中面的平衡方程及位移协调方程,建立了由板位移和Airy应力函数表示的两个微分控制方程。

    Based on the force equilibrium and geometric compatibility equation in the middle plane , two governing differential equations expressed by the deflection and Airy stress function are obtained .

  16. 在此提供的解析解的结果与传统Airy应力函数得到的解答完全一致,证明了该方法的正确性和适用性。

    The analysis results using the present approach possess the same solution with those of traditional Airy stress function method . The correction and practical values was confirm in here .

  17. 假设弹性模量为厚度的指数函数,泊松比为常数,用应力函数法求解FGM梁的弹性理论解。

    Young 's modulus is assumed to be graded through the thickness according exponential-law , and Poisson 's ratio is constant . The stress function method is introduced to get the elasticity solution for FGM beams .

  18. 基于含直裂纹问题的复应力函数解法,提出了用Dugdale模型分析和求解弹塑性条件下含中心裂纹的有限加筋板承载力问题的方法。

    Solutions to the elastic-plastic problem of finite cracked plate with stiffened edges under tension are presented in this paper based on the Dugdale model .

  19. 由大挠度的VonKarman理论建立了以应力函数和挠度函数表示的运动偏微分方程组,再由Galerkin法转化成非线性常微分方程。

    The governing nonlinear partial differential equations which expressed by stress function and deflection function are obtained using the von Karman theory . Then the nonlinear partial differential equations are transformed into nonlinear ordinary differential equation using Galerkin method .

  20. 本文提出了爆炸载荷作用下预制V型裂纹的复变应力函数,并用Westergaard方法推导了预制V型裂纹尖端的应力场和位移场,从而得到了V型裂纹尖端的应力强度因子。

    This paper gives the complex stress function of preformed V shape fracture under the blasting load . With Westergaard 's method , the stress field and displacement field of preformed V shape fracture tip are derived , and hence its stress intensity factor is obtained .

  21. 根据二维双调和方程的特点并借助于MATHEMATICA软件,得到了应力函数双调和方程的多项式解答。

    According to the nature of two-dimensional biharmonic equations , this paper obtains a polynomial solution of the biharmonic equation for stress function by means of the MATHEMATICA software .

  22. 通过应力函数构造了Riemann-Hilbert边值问题,给出了具有半无限裂纹的无限大平面受一般可变载荷作用下裂纹尖端应力强度因子的解析解。

    By constructing Riemann - Hilbert problem of boundary value with stress functions , analytic solution of stress intensity factor of crack tip in infinite plane with semi - infinite crack under general variant loading is obtained .

  23. 二次力函数激励下线性SDOF系统的首次失效时间分析,说明了该方法的使用过程,并揭示了系统阻尼对首次失效的影响。

    An example of the first failure time analysis of a linear SDOF system excited by a quadratic forcing function shows the applicability of the method proposed and reveales the influence of the damping ratio of the system on its first failure .

  24. 用断裂力学理论和Westergaard方法,确定了复变应力函数,推导出螺旋切槽在准静态压力作用下的裂纹尖端平面应力、应变场。

    Fracture mechanics and Westergaard Stress Function are adopted to build a complex stress function to derive the plane stress and strain fields at one tip of the crack under a Quasi-static pressure .

  25. 本文根据不完全广义余能原理重新推导了Reissner方程,使应力函数ψ以拉格朗日乘子的方式从变分中自然引出,同时明确了Reissner方程的解的结构。

    Reissner equations of elastic plate are derived on the bases of incomplete generalized variational principle of complementary energy . The stress function is obtained from the variational calculation in the form of Lagrange multiplier . The structure of solution of Reissner equations is thus determined .

  26. 本文假定的合理性用实例的理论解析式(运用Westergaard复变应力函数)和实验结果的分析中得到验证。

    The validity of the assumptions made in this paper is examined by a practical example with theoretical analytical expressions ( using the Westergaard complex stress function ) as well as by the analysis of photoelastic experimental results .

  27. 本文从弹性力学中的Beltrami-Schaefer应力函数出发,导出了扭转问题、平面问题、轴对称问题和回转体扭转问题的应力函数。

    Using Beltrami-Schaefer stress function in the theory of elasticity in this paper , we derive the stress functions of torsion , plane problem , axisymmetric deformation in solid of revolution and torsion on solid of revolution .

  28. 用应力函数的方法得到焊点附近应力集中的分布情况,并以Swift-Hill屈服准则为判据,确定了单向拉伸时焊点附近产生塑性变形的力能条件。

    The distribution of stress around the welding spot is obtained by adopting stress function . The stress , which can make the plastically deforming area appear around the welding spot , is determined on the base of Swift-Hill yield criterion .

  29. 应力函数及其对偶理论在有限元中的应用

    Application of stress functions and its dual theory to finite element

  30. 应力函数在边界上的力学性质及其应用

    Mechanical Property of Stress Function on the Boundary and Its Application