
  • 网络Internet Marketer;Web hyper
  1. 解析网络推手现象&从网络造星谈起

    Discussing on the Creating of Network Stars , Analyzing the Phenomenon of the Network Spreaders

  2. 从使用与满足理论的角度来解读网络推手

    The Decipherment of the Network Pushers from the Point of the Uses and Gratifications Theory

  3. 网络推手靠把人策划成万众瞩目的焦点而赚取钱财,这些人都是推手的客户。

    These people are the clients of Internet marketers who stand to earn big money by thrusting them into the limelight .

  4. 由于网络推手是网络事件营销的策划者和经营者,他们在很大程度上决定了网络事件营销的性质和质量。

    Because network promoter is the planner and operator of network event marketing , they largely determines the nature and quality of network event marketing .

  5. 以竞争激烈的杀毒软件业为例,网络推手和打手们在这里找到了最好的市场。

    To the highly competitive anti-virus software industry , for example , the network pushed the hand and thugs who find the best in the market .

  6. 网络推手又被称作网络营销、网络公关,诞生于作为无中心全球信息交互平台的网络社会。

    " Network Propagandist " also addressed as network marketing and public relations , was founded in the network society as no center of global information interaction platform .

  7. 随着相关制度法规的完善和民众素质的提高,网络推手将在我国信息化进程中发挥更多的正面积极的影响。

    With the related regulations to improve and the improvement of the quality of people in our country , the network push will play more informatization processes the positive influence .

  8. 阿任毫不讳言当下网络推手行业中确实存在不规范的操作,有欺骗、有虚假的东西在里面。

    A holds the post of none network of instantly of dare not or would not speak up shoves a hand non-standard operation exists really in the industry , have deceit , false thing is in inside .

  9. 既然从批评性的视角对网络推手进行研究,当然也对国外网络推手的现象与规制措施进行了分析:个人抵制、民间团体监督、行业自律和法制规约。

    Based on the critical perspective of this research , it is necessary to analyze the phenomenon of internet marketers and the regulatory measures in foreign countries , such as personal boycott , organization supervision , self-discipline , law enforcement .

  10. 目前社会上出现的政治冷漠、政治态度不明、价值体系紊乱、娱乐炒作、网络推手造假、网络打手等现象都反映了大众传播未能有效发挥其思想政治教育功能。

    The appearance of negative phenomena in society , such as political indifferent , political inarticulate , disordered value system , highlighted entertainment , the forgery of network , network mafia indicate that the mass communication failed to play the role of ideological and political education .

  11. 所以,笔者借用社会学的问卷调查法对这部分人群进行了重点考察,发现网络推手以男性居多,年龄结构偏轻,他们虽然没有太多的专业背景,却拥有跳跃的思维,无限的创意。

    The sociological questionnaire was focused on this part of the population . It is found that the network promoters are mostly males , and the age structure is younger . They do not have much background , but have jump thinking , and infinite creativity .