
  • 网络moment distribution method;method of moment distribution;moment distribution;moment-distribution method
  1. 矩阵力矩分配法及力矩二次分配法的误差讨论

    Matrix Moment Distribution Method and Debating the Errors of Moment Quadratic Distribution Method

  2. 力矩分配法在有侧移结构中的运用

    Application of moment distribution method in sideway structures

  3. 刚架分析的新方法&广义力矩分配法

    A New Method of Frame Analysis-The Method of Generalized Moment Distribution

  4. 力矩分配法在有侧移的三维杆系结构中的应用

    The Application of Moment Allocation Method for Swing Tri-dimensional Member Structure

  5. 结点无线位移空间刚架的力矩分配法

    Moment Distribution Method for No Linear Joint Displacement Space Rigid Frames

  6. 用子结构力矩分配法求解无侧移超静定刚架

    A Substructure Moment Allocation Method for Indeterminate Rigid Frame

  7. 力矩分配法在对称结构中的应用

    The method of moment distribution in a symmetrical structure

  8. 从力矩分配法到元胞单元法

    From Moment Distributed Method to Cellular Element Method

  9. 旋侧力矩分配法

    Moment Distribution Method Allowing of Rotation and Sidesway

  10. 连续梁的杆端转动刚度及其在力矩分配法中的应用

    Bar - end Rotation Stiffness of Continuous Beam and its Application in Moment Distribution Method

  11. 电算成果校核方法初探关于力矩分配法成果校核的探讨

    On checking result of moment distribution achievements

  12. 关于力矩分配法成果校核的探讨

    ON CHECKING RESULT OF MOMENT DISTRIBUTION A Preliminary Discussion on Checking Method of ComPuting Results

  13. 力矩分配法初探

    Researches on Distribution Method of Moment

  14. 力矩分配法计算超静定结构成果校核方法研究

    Study on the Outcome Check Method to Calculate the Statically Indeterminate Structure by the Moment Distribution Method

  15. 一种修改的力矩分配法

    An improved moment distribution method

  16. 以力矩分配法为基础,探索了对称结构的简化计算方法。

    This paper studied a simplified method for the calculation of symmetrical structure based on the moment distribution .

  17. 然后利用迭代法的优点,对力矩分配法稍做改进。

    Then the moment distribution method is slightly improved by means of the advantage of the iterative method .

  18. 应用矩阵力矩分配法推导出了力矩二次分配法的误差计算公式。

    By applying matrix moment distribution method , we deduce that error calculation formula of moment quadratic distribution method .

  19. 几何组成分析在结构力学中是重点,常应用于求解超静定结构,文章用几何组成对力法、位移法和力矩分配法进行了分析。

    Geometric composition analysis is focal point in structural mechanics and often used in finding the solution of statically indeterminate structure .

  20. 本文将矩阵和力矩分配法相结合,明确指出力矩分配法是一种精确计算法。

    This articles combines matrix with moment distribution method , and definitely points out that moment distribution is an exact calculating .

  21. 从力矩分配法的原理出发,利用数列理论,导出了杆端弯矩计算公式。

    Starting with the principle of moment distribution method , the paper applies sequence theory to derive the formula of rod-end bending moment .

  22. 本文首先提出采用力矩分配法分析斜交结构,导出了相应的计算公式,为分析现代工程中常用的斜支承连续梁、斜交刚架等斜交结构提供了一种有效的手算方法。

    In this paper , the moment distribution method is proposed first for the analysis of skew structures , and the corresponding formulas are developed .

  23. 本文首先证明一般的力矩分配法的数学本质就是赛德尔迭代法。

    In this paper first of all it is proved that the mathematical nature of the ordinary moment distribution method is the Seidel iterative method .

  24. 简述了力矩分配法中变形条件校核的必要性,评述了三种校核方法,建议在设计工作中,用单位荷载法校核力矩分配法的成果。

    Briefly deals with the importance of checking the deformation conditions in moment distribution . Introduces and comments three check methods , and suggests that the unit load method to check the result of moment distribution in design would be used .

  25. 用力矩一次分配法直接求有侧移刚架的端矩

    Direct determination of end-moments of rigid frames with sidesway by the method of one-cycle moment distribution

  26. 用林氏力矩一次分配法分析对称式多层单间排架的风应力及对称式平行弦连框桁架

    Analysis of symmetrical multi-storey and single-bay bents under wind loads and Vierendeel trusses with symmetrical parallel chords by lin 's method of one-cycle moment distribution

  27. 刚构常数与刚构分析(力矩一次分配法之改善,及其与各种定点,约束,角变等分析法之沟通与比较)

    THE CONSTANTS AND ANALYSIS OF RIGID FRAMES ( The Improvement of One-Cycle Method of Moment Distribution and Its Correlation and Comparison with the Various Methods of Fixed-Points , Restraints , and Joint-Rotations )

  28. 利用等截面直杆的三维刚度方程,得出结点无线位移空间刚架的力矩分配系数,从而将平面问题的力矩分配法引用到空间结构。

    Three-dimensional stiffness equations of uniform cross section bar are used so that the monent distribution coefficients for space frame without linear joint displacements are obtained . Hence , the moment distribution method used for plane problems can be used in space structures .