
  • 网络toxic chemicals
  1. 植物产生了包括呋喃丹、灭多威在内的多种剧毒化学品。

    The plants had produced highly toxic chemicals including carbofuran and methomyl .

  2. 许多技巧是不安全的,暴露了工人的剧毒化学品。

    Many techniques were unsafe and exposed the workers to highly toxic chemicals .

  3. 剧毒化学品甲苯-2,4-二异氰酸酯运输危险性评估

    The hazard assessment during the transportation of toluene-2,4-diisocyanate as a high toxicity chemical

  4. 取得甲种经营许可证的单位可经营销售剧毒化学品和其他危险化学品;

    An entity with the operating license of type A may operate and market highly toxic chemicals and other hazardous chemicals ;

  5. 11月1日至18日,剧毒化学品运输车辆禁止进入北京市内。

    Vehicles carrying highly toxic chemicals will not be allowed to enter the city from the 1st to the 18th November .

  6. 按照软件工程的过程,论文详细描述了剧毒化学品管理系统的需求分析、系统设计、系统测试等软件工程各阶段的实现过程。

    Based on the procedure of software engineering , this paper illustrates the requirements analysis , system design and software test in detail .

  7. 剧毒化学品流失的现场防控应急措施;③化学毒物污染水源突发事件现场防控的应急措施;剧毒化学品的管理与使用的探索

    Emergency measures for the control of high toxic chemical missing ③ emergency methods against large - scale water chemical pollution ; Management of the Hypertoxic Chemicals and Exploration of Use

  8. 这里是中国国际广播电台。周六,一列载有剧毒化学品的火车在比利时西北部城市根特发生出轨事故,造成1人死亡,另有17人受伤。

    This is CRI . One person died and 17 others were injured when a cargo train carrying toxic chemicals derailed near the northwestern Belgian city of Ghent on Saturday .

  9. 本文实现的剧毒化学品管理系统是一个基于B/S架构的管理平台,便于企业用户的访问。

    In this paper , the highly toxic chemicals management system we have implemented is a management platform based on B / S structure , which is easily to be accessed .

  10. 随着化工、制药行业迅猛发展,作为原料或试剂的剧毒化学品,其种类不断增多、数量不断增大,随之而来的监管难度也不断增加。

    Along with the brisk development of chemical and pharmaceutical sectors , the variety and amount of toxic chemicals are increasing as raw materials and reagents , and this increases the supervision difficulty as well .

  11. 随着科技的飞速发展,化学工业也获得了极大的进步,因为剧毒化学品的特殊性,导致必须要顺应信息化的发展,让剧毒化学品能够得到统一、规范的管理。

    Along with the rapid development of science and technology , chemical industry also has the great progress , because of the particularity of poisonous chemicals , it leads to comply with the development of information , and let poisonous chemicals can get uniform , standard management .