- dramatis personae;characters in a play or opera

(1) [dramatis personae]
(2) 一出戏或一本小说或一首诗中的人物或演员
(3) 一出戏中说明人物的表;尤指印在剧本开端的人物表
Pirandello titled his play ' Six Characters in Search of an Author '
In Yuan dynasty , people in drama usually hated idler .
The language of each of his heroes fits his status in society and discloses the peculiarities of his character .
Although those measures are not the fundamental solution to their problems , they are the unique outlet to save themselves .
He remembered this play for a long time , and he talked a lot about the people in it . '
Have you ever fallen asleep with the television on and then had a dream that you were part of the show ?
Bradley in Shakespearean Tragedy asks us to distinguish sharply from tragic injustice & that prosperity and adversity are distributed in proportion to the merits of the agents .
The research of modern China ′ s higher education should pursue its way on the ideas and activities of modern China education innovators , since they were the real dramatists and actors of modern China ′ s education .
so long as the spectator had to conjecture what this or that figure represented , from whence arose this or that conflict of inclinations and intentions , he could not fully participate in the doings and sufferings of the protagonists , feel with them and fear with them .
Chae Rim and Gao Zi Qi appeared in CCTV ′ s drama , The Lee Family as a married couple .
The limited interaction between the two as depicted is not enough to deliver a profound love story .
The state is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else .
One of the Greek psychiatric groups said the Greek film distributor had agreed to run a short notice before the film pointing out that Leatherface was not schizophrenic .
While Claire and Frank 's plans are just as diabolical as in the past , everyone else in the show seems to have grown up and wised up .
The prevalent of idol drama is because of the glamorous " Korean beauty " . They are a special group of young , beautiful , kind , virtuous , created by women , watched by women , but based on the male viewpoint of beauty to construct .
RITA : Why don 't they ever mention the makeup person ?
Why don 't they ever mention the makeup person ?
A new study suggests the proliferation of gay and transgender characters in films and television shows has not prevented gay , lesbian , bisexual and transgender actors from experiencing discrimination in Hollywood .
Ed Harris , who plays the hardcore Man in Black , told EW that Season 2 will be enjoyable to watch , although he 's not sure he totally understands where everything is going .
BELLISARIO : I have spent the entire run of the show in a relationship , not with somebody from the show .