
jù zhǒng
  • type of drama;genre of drama
剧种 [jù zhǒng]
  • (1) [type of drama; genre of drama]

  • (2) 我国民族戏曲的种类,如京剧、评剧、豫剧等

  • (3) 戏剧艺术的种类,如话剧、戏曲、歌剧、舞剧等

剧种[jù zhǒng]
  1. 丝弦是流行于河北省中南部的稀有剧种。

    Sixian is a rare type of drama popular in Hebei Province in south-central .

  2. 回望美国百老汇一个多世纪的发展历史,可以看到,美国音乐剧是一个具有特殊魅力且生命力强大的剧种,是一种大众娱乐艺术。

    A retrospect of the development of Hollywood over the past century shows that the American musicals have become a dynamic and charming type of drama and an art for mass recreation .

  3. 越剧是最早建立导演制度的戏曲剧种。

    Shaoxing opera is the earliest drama that established director system .

  4. 滇剧是流传在云南一带的地方剧种。

    Dian opera is a local opera popular in Yunnan province .

  5. 中国地方戏种类很多,其中京剧是一个具有代表性的剧种。

    There are many kinds of local operas in our country .

  6. 是在华北地区较有影响的剧种之一。

    In North China , one of the more influential drama .

  7. 但是,他们戏曲创作的根还是剧种。

    However , they Creation of the " root ", or drama .

  8. 创建东北本土戏曲剧种的历史进程(中)

    Historical Process of the Creation of Local Northeastern Operas (ⅱ)

  9. 其中有些戏文为全国其他戏曲剧种所罕见。

    Among them some drama text are very rare in our country .

  10. 演员是剧种流传的主要载体。

    Actor is the primary carrier in the spreading of the opera .

  11. 豫剧是比京剧更古老的剧种。

    Henan Opera is more ancient than the Peking Opera .

  12. 清乾隆时期,上党梆子已是一个成熟剧种。

    Qing Emperor Qianlong period , Shangdang Bangzi is a sophisticated drama .

  13. 民间新兴的剧种很快会传入宫廷,因而宫廷中戏曲剧种的更迭几乎与民间可以保持一致。

    So the change of court operas can be almost consistent with civil .

  14. 另一剧种是俱乐部戏剧。

    Another kind of theatre is the theatre club .

  15. 交互视野下的文化遗产与濒危剧种

    " Cultural Heritage " and " Endangered Opera " In an Alternate View

  16. 万紫千红春满园&论科学发展观与地方剧种的保护

    On the Principle of Scientific Development and the Protection of the Local Opera

  17. 例句:陇剧是甘肃省一个新兴的地方戏曲剧种。

    Eg : Long-drama is in Gansu province where a new opera drama .

  18. 论河南濒灭剧种的唱词通俗美

    On the Ci of Popular Beauty of Henan Operas That are Near Extinction

  19. 并采用提前渗透新知识的教学方法,向学生介绍国内其他剧种,如。

    By the way , there are some other kinds of opera in China .

  20. 河南濒灭剧种的民俗文化属性

    The Folklore Attributes of Henan Dying out Operas

  21. 第三、四部分,将戏曲诞生以后,传统戏曲市场中两次重大的市场争夺,以及由此带来的剧种和艺术形式的变化做了粗略的勾勒。

    The third and fourth parts describe the two great competition in Chinese Opera market .

  22. 地方剧种是中华民族戏曲文化的精华、民族智慧的结晶。

    Local drama is the essence and crystallization of Chinese opera culture and national wisdom .

  23. 地方剧种给我们的思考&长治地区秧歌音乐的阐述

    Expounding on Yangge Music in Changzhi Area

  24. 稀有剧种市场运作模式初探

    On the Market Pattern of Minor Operas

  25. 昆剧是一种戏曲声腔、剧种、简称昆腔、昆曲或昆剧。

    Kun is an opera tune , drama , called Kun , Kun opera or .

  26. 他们在反复观摩、学习、体会的过程中,吸取中华各民族曲艺艺术的精髓,新创出朝鲜族唱谈这一全新说唱艺术剧种。

    They learned , experienced , and created this new kind of artistic form for Korean-nationality .

  27. 松阳高腔是古老稀有的戏曲剧种之一。

    " Songyang High-pitched Tunes " has been recognized as one of the ancient rare operas .

  28. 京剧因此在众多地方剧种中脱颖而出,成为中国主要的剧种。

    This is why Peking Opera overtook all other folk operas and became a national entertainment .

  29. 平弦戏是上个世纪50年代,由坐唱曲艺平弦搬上舞台的一种新兴地方剧种。

    String-play is a new local drama that staged sitting string-play folk art onto stage in1950s .

  30. 昆曲历史悠久,是我国现存最古老的戏曲剧种之一。

    Kunqu opera has a long history in China is the oldest existing one opera Opera .