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jǐ xǔ
  • how much;how many
几许 [jǐ xǔ]
  • [how many;how much] 多少

  • 不知经历几许风波

  • 几许心中言。--清. 袁枚《祭妹文》

几许[jǐ xǔ]
  1. 不知几许。

    No one can tell how much .

  2. 修正主义:你的健康智商有几许?

    Revisionism : how much is your health iq ?

  3. Erard先生虽是个受过些许语言学训练的记者,但却并没有通晓超多种语言的特殊能力(他能说一点西班牙语和中文),不过他在处理论题时,即带着惊奇艳羡,又带着几许健康的怀疑态度。

    A journalist with some linguistics training , Mr Erard is not a hyperpolyglot himself ( he speaks some Spanish and Chinese ) , but he approaches his topic with both wonder and a healthy dash of scepticism .

  4. 把这些数字加起来,告诉我总数是几许。

    Add this numbers together and give me the total .

  5. 我总有几许的留念,但又期许下一个未知。

    I always have how much the souvenir , but expect next unknown .

  6. 这样,便呈现出好看的深红色基调并点缀了几许桃黄。

    So , in come nice deep reds with a hint of peach .

  7. 微妙而复杂的香气中蕴含几许柑橘与白果芬芳。

    A delicate and complex nose with hints of citrus and white fruit .

  8. 此刻,这对这个世界又多了几许满足。

    and am rather more content with the world .

  9. 长长的石皮弄,不知深几许。

    Stone Peel Alleyway , long and deep .

  10. 红宝石般的色泽明艳动人。几许莫利洛黑樱桃与成熟红莓的芬芳十分显著。

    Ruby red color with distinct hints of Morello cherry and ripe red berries .

  11. 我只是很惊讶你都高龄几许了

    I 'm just amazed that you could reach the ripe old age of what ?

  12. 你的时间价值几许?

    What 's your time worth ?

  13. 如今经过岁月磨炼,这双手跟它的主人一样多了几许风霜,但它的表现力、魅力与灵活度不减当年。

    They are , like their owner , weathered but still expressive , attractive and resilient .

  14. 但凡是那些获得了成功的人,无论身高几许,都会表现出和成功相关的行为特征。

    But people of any height who are successful tend to display certain behaviors that correlate with success .

  15. 是谁在主宰地产风云,我们能承载几许时代责任!

    Who is the dominate estate situation , we can hardly come bearing the responsibility of the times !

  16. 我心里有几许的忐忑,不过我还是对未来充满期望。

    I 'm a little worry and fear . Anyways , I 'm looking forward to the future .

  17. 据称霍金说,终于有人问到了一个至关重要的问题。而后他的回答显露出几许深沉的智慧。

    Finally , a question about something important , Hawking reportedly responded , before doling out some serious wisdom .

  18. 也许人们在散步情结之中寻得了几许贤雅之风,于是乎觉得教化深陷椅子的闲懒书虫变得责无旁贷。

    People seem to think there is something inherently noble and virtuous in the desire to go for a walk .

  19. 安妮还好,青春的容颜还在。光影中,手持一朵红玫瑰的她,几许娇羞,几分明艳。

    Looking at Annie , holding a red rose in front of my camera , I could feel her youth and beauty .

  20. 具有浓郁而多层次的热带水果(芒果、菠萝)香气,又融合几许细腻的木香。

    An intense , complex nose with aromas of exotic fruits ( mango and pineapple ) . A few fine notes of wood .

  21. 多留一点可触摸的历史,许许多多的弄堂景观代表着凝固的一段历史时空,让游人在享受现代商业繁荣时生出几许历史文化感。

    A lot of lane view represents historical space-time , which lets visitors have many historical culture senses when they appreciate modern prosperous commerce .

  22. 我们经几许风雨到现在,真正的友谊非常难得,我深信我们一辈子也是好朋友。

    We 've had our ups and downs , but friends are hard to come by , so we 'll be best friends forever .

  23. 谁也无法说出,用这一方法,人类能获得对历史规律的几许了解;

    No one can say how far it has been given to man to advance in that direction in understanding of the laws of history .

  24. 在黑黑的夜里,要是他在擦它,就迸出几许火星来,礼花般散落在水中。

    In the darkness of the night , if he sharpened it , it had the light of fire like fireworks displaying down into the water .

  25. 这会让它们在报废之后能够很快地从轨道上移走,天空从而就会恢复几许亚里士多德的完美。

    That would enable them to be removed rapidly from orbit when they became useless and would restore to the skies some measure of Aristotelian perfection .

  26. 品酿笔记:鲜明如稻草色般的酒泽,但又带著几许柠檬绿色。紫色水稻土胡敏酸的形成&稻草腐解试验

    Tasting notes : Vibrant straw in colour with flashes of lime green . The Formation of Humic Acids in Purple Paddy Soil-Based on Decomposition of Rice Straw

  27. 回到家里,心里还在想着梅艳芳的《女人花》,忽然想写下来几许的感慨。

    Back home , was also thinking of Mui 's " Women of Flowers ", all of a sudden want to write down the feelings of many .

  28. 殊不知,多少军国大事,几许君意臣心,都在这些看似荒诞不经的青词中深埋着伏笔。

    As everyone knows , the number of military affair , dash of Italian Chen Jun heart , all these seemingly absurd words in deep blue with hints .

  29. 自从2002年北朝鲜宣称四牛居将成为投资区以来,这个身处中朝边境桥朝鲜一方的小镇已经引来了几许关注的目光。

    Sinuiju , the town on the North Korean side of the bridge , has attracted little attention since North Korea declared it to be an investment zone in2002 .

  30. 初时表情与谈吐间还带着几许尴尬的害羞,刻意寻找着话题以缓和彼此间的陌生与戒备;

    At the beginning there was still some embarrassing shyness on his face , so he tried to start some topic to reduce the strangeness and precautions between each other .