
  1. 再次,在分析大连港吞吐量的基础上,预测了未来几年长兴岛港的吞吐量。

    Thirdly , paper forecasted the Changxing Island port based on the analyses of the throughput of Dalian .

  2. 东亚也面临着同样的问题:奥巴马会为东中国海的几座岩岛与中国开战吗?

    Much the same is asked in east Asia : would Mr Obama fight China over a bunch of rocks in the East China Sea ?

  3. 首先,总结了几年来海洋岛海域养殖栉孔扇贝死亡的特征。

    The features of the scallop numerous death in some years have been summed up .

  4. 追踪过去几年在格陵兰岛的冰都发生了什么。

    Tracking over the past few years what 's been happening to ice up in Greenland .