- henchmen;adherents;confederate;members of a clique

[adherents] 恶势力集团里首领以外的人,指那些追随一个领袖或一个政党的拥护者(含贬义)
From two Zhangs ' actual political status , the relationship between relegated literati and two Zhangs , and the relegated literati 's poems and works , it can be concluded that they were not two Zhangs ' adherents .
She misused her position in the appointment of 26,000 party supporters to government jobs .
McGee said the Zimbabwean president and cronies , who have rebuffed international calls for power-sharing with the opposition , are holding Zimbabwe hostage and said the once-prosperous country is rapidly deteriorating into what he termed failed state status .
Sabha was one of the last main pro-Gaddafi strongholds and was seen as a potential hiding place for the colonel and his inner circle , but so far there 's been no sign of him there .
He then deals freely with his brother 's party .
Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government .
The king has sacked puric and company .
General Shan . It 's not enough that we got her two henchmen .
On every side the company of the Black Arrow was making for the hill .
That would enable him to accommodate two loyal pro t é g é s , T.
President Gbagbo is holed up inside the fortress-like presidential mansion with his last remaining allies and the Republican Guard .
The new ruler might-so the plan goes-reach out to one faction of the MDC and form a national unity government .
Then Tryphon sent an army and horsemen into Galilee , and into the great plain to destroy all Jonathan 's company .
He is part of the Irish Mafia in Chicago in the early1930s who were closely associated with Al Capone and his rackets .
In 299 , the Princess Zhao , Sima Lun killed Empress Jia and her supporters and took the control of the imperial court .
By the time the CIA was done with them , Mr Black promised , bin Laden and his supporters would have flies walking across their eyeballs .
All have the personal backing and prestige of Silvio Berlusconi attached to them , so their combined rejection is a serious political setback for the prime minister .
It benefited the politics and society to annihilate Liang Li and his partisans , but from than on , the regime of the Eastern Han was monopolized by eunuchs .
His well-earned reputation for savagery preceded him on the streets . Flanked by his obeying friends , he walked the neighborhood like a Khan strolling through his land with his eager-to-please entourage .
Nowadays , there are few things quite so polarizing as the media and the possibility of " fake news . " Journalists are often seen as either dedicated truth seekers or partisans trying to push an agenda with little to no room in-between .