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wǔ shì
  • warrior;samurai;knight;soldier;palace guards;palace guards in ancient times;man of prowess
武士 [wǔ shì]
  • (1) [warrior]∶习武的人;勇士

  • (2) [samurai]∶日本封建时代大领主的军事侍从,实行骑士时代武士道的礼教,准许佩带两把剑,对平民操有生杀大权

  • (3) [palace guards]∶宫庭守卫

  • (4) [man of prowess]∶勇力过人的人

  • (5) [soldier]∶兵士

武士[wǔ shì]
  1. 有个武士名叫公卢望,他身上穿着恺甲,手里拿着锐利的兵器,一看到赵简子就放声大笑。

    A warrior and holding a sharp weapon in his hand , laughed loudly the moment he saw Zhao Jianzi .

  2. 自耕农武士(yeomanwarrior)所扮演的角色使得城邦国家成为例外。

    The role of the yeoman warrior helped make the city states exceptional .

  3. 《七武士》在好莱坞被重新制作成为《七侠荡寇志》。

    ‘ The Seven Samurai ’ was remade in Hollywood as ‘ The Magnificent Seven ’ .

  4. 佩带弓箭和长矛的武士闯入了他们的村庄。

    Warriors armed with bows and arrows and spears have invaded their villages .

  5. 那武士在战斗中毫不感到惧怕。

    The knight felt no fear in the midst of battle .

  6. 从前的武士上战场时都穿盔甲。

    Knights of old had to wear armor in battle .

  7. 你读过《亚瑟王和他的圆桌武士》的故事吗?

    Have you read about King Arthur and Knights of the round table ?

  8. 我喜欢读有关古代武士的故事。

    I like reading the stories of ancient warriors .

  9. 武士们把那个男子戳死了。

    The warriors speared the man to death .

  10. 据说这个词可以追溯到日本的封建时期。武士和他们的对手都会打开和服,以示自己没有隐藏武器。

    It is said that the term probably can date back to feudal would open their kimonos as a gesture of trust to show they had no hidden weapons .

  11. 圣堂武士现在得到了GM级的进攻姿势。

    Templars now get Offensive Stance at GM.

  12. 有报道表示,该片原定由《最后的武士》(TheLastSamurai)的导演爱德华·兹威克(EdwardZwick)于2012年拍摄,但由于日程和创意方面的原因,他退出了这个项目。

    Edward Zwick , who directed The Last Samurai , was reportedly set to direct the film in 2012 , but later dropped out , because of scheduling and creative issues .

  13. Nagashima解释道,日本武士曾经在这里的寺庙居住,担任一种名为boukan的护卫。

    Samurai once lived in Buddhist templeshere , Nagashima explained , working as security guards called boukan .

  14. 这个老巫婆想同兰斯洛特(Lancelot)爵士结婚,这位最崇高的圆桌武士,亚瑟最亲密的朋友!

    The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot , the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur 's closest friend !

  15. 我有自己的梦,称不上远大理想,说不定就当一名忍者武士(Ninjawarrior),或者象加乌乔牧人(gaucho)驰骋阿根廷大草原也行。

    It was not a tall order , as dreams go , but I might just as well have asked to be a Ninja warrior or a gaucho from the Argentine pampas .

  16. 武士们把刀(katana)放在门口,通过茶道仪式,他们可以减缓对随之而来的战争与死亡的忧虑。

    Laying their katana swords at the gate , through the tea ceremony ritual they allayed worries of impending war and death .

  17. 跟着Nagashima来到由茶馆、寺庙和重建的武士府邸组成的迷宫后,我感觉自己像是掉进了兔子洞的爱丽丝。

    Following Nagashima into the labyrinth ofteahouses , temples and restored samurai houses , I felt like Alice slipping intothe rabbit hole .

  18. 荷兰人VictorMeijers是中国一家较大的法律公司德恒律师事务所的唯一国外全球合作人,他说在一个月内接到苦苦经营的欧洲企业寻找中国白武士的几个咨询。

    Victor Meijers , a Dutchman who is the only foreign global partner in DeHeng Law Offices , one of China 's big law firms , says that he gets several inquiries a month from struggling European firms looking for a Chinese white knight .

  19. 美国的全球作战支持系统(GCSS)是“武士C4I”的一个组成部分,它将人员、后勤、采办、医疗等支持功能集成到一个跨功能的环境中。

    As a component of C ~ 4IFTW , global combat support system ( GCSS ) of USA incorporates personnel , logistics , acquisition , medical and other support in a cross-functional environment .

  20. 穿孔,纹身,和伤疤:根据handi-cap理论,身体健康并且有很好基因的男人可以承担涉及注射器,墨水和武士刀的行为风险。

    Piercings , Tattoos , and Scars : According to the evolutionary handi-cap theory , men who are physically healthy and have good genes can afford to take part in risky behavior involving needles , ink and katana swords .

  21. 你是卡偌的儿子,不是个武士。

    You 're the kharo 's son , not a warrior .

  22. 有几本关于武士的书不过还未翻译。

    I have several more books just waiting to be translated .

  23. 即使强大的武士也不是榴弹炮的对手。

    Even the mighty Samurai cannot stand up to the howitzers .

  24. 圣堂武士的裁决现在是惩戒系的专精技能。

    Templar 's Verdict is now a primary skill of Retribution .

  25. 这次,那名武士急忙上前把他们推回去。

    This time , the samurai hurry about pushing them back .

  26. 诊察了这位老武士之后,伤心地摇摇头。

    He examined the old knight and shook his head sadly .

  27. 骑士武士报记者问:显然你们的国家正充满对立。

    Knight Ridder Newspapers : Clear the country is very divided .

  28. 绝不能让绝地武士发现我们开发的终极武器。

    Thejedi must not find our designs for the ultimate weapon .

  29. 有人说武士的剑就是他自己的灵魂。

    They say that a samurai 's sword is his soul .

  30. 一天一个臭名昭著的年轻武士来到了这个村庄。

    One day an infamous young warrior arrived at the village .