
dǎnɡ wěi shū jì
  • secretary of the Party Committee
  1. 53岁的杨华生前兼任东北特钢(DongbeiSpecialSteel)党委书记。3月25日,公司网站确认了他的死讯。之前一天,警方接到了他在家中上吊身亡的报告。

    Yang Hua , 53 , who also acted as the Communist party secretary of Dongbei Special Steel , was confirmed dead on March 25 by the company 's website , a day after police received reports that he had hanged himself at his home .

  2. 假如这是真的,那么“我们将会警告相关部门,开始我们的调查”交大的宣传部党委书记LiuYuxiang说。

    If it is true ," We 'll alert related departments and start our own investigation ," said Liu Yuxiang , head of the propaganda department of the party committee at Jiaotong University in Shanghai .

  3. 两名涉案人员一位是该乡党委书记,另一位是派出所民警。报道中称这名女孩被强迫游街长达20分钟。

    The officials - a Communist Party chief and a police officer - reportedly forced the teenager to walk up and down for 20 minutes .

  4. 据新华社报道,该乡党委书记袁泽泓和派出所民警陈松已被停职接受调查。

    Communist Party secretary Yuan Zehong and police officer Chen Song have been suspended from work for their involvement in the incident , Xinhua said .

  5. 这枚棋子最终被找到,赵书信也洗脱了罪名,但工厂的党委书记还是批评他发了这封电报。

    The chess piece is finally found and Mr. Zhao is cleared , but the factory Communist Party chief chastises him for sending the telegram anyway .

  6. 村党委书记李正荣也称自己并不清楚电影亦或是剧组的名称,和任何关于电影的情况。

    The Party chief of the local village Li Zhengrong also said she didn 't know anything regarding a title or the names of the crew or the film .

  7. 虽然吴仁宝当时在处理党内事务方面很活跃,但2003年他卸去了华西村党委书记一职,将自己担任的一些关键职位交给了儿子吴协恩。

    Though Mr. Wu remained active in party affairs , he retired as the village 's party chief in 2003 and relinquished his key positions to a son , Wu Xie'en .

  8. 从社交媒体贴出的照片看,抗议者推倒一辆汽车,殴打一名警察,还扒下当地党委书记的上衣,然后沿街追他。

    Protesters could be seen in pictures posted on social media overturning a car , beating a policeman and stripping the local party secretary to the waist before chasing him through the streets .

  9. 丰满村党委书记王树华以及另一名官员邓林民对财新新闻说,有关人员曾经多次禁止权前往大连和北京,其目的是为了阻止她上街乞讨。

    Wang Shuhua , the Communist Party head of Fengman Village and another official named Deng Limin , told Caixin that authorities have blocked Quan from going to Dalian and Beijing several times to prevent her from begging on the streets .

  10. 《新京报》的报道指出,据凉山彝族自治州党委书记林书成透露,政府会修建一批钢制阶梯作为临时解决措施,以保障当地村民的安全,同时寻求更长久的解决办法。

    Lin Shucheng , Party secretary of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture , said that authorities would build a set of steel stairs as a temporary solution to ensure the security of the village residents , while more permanent solutions were sought , the report said .

  11. 例如在8月23日,北京党委书记去中国最大的微薄公司——新浪做了一次友好参观,而且还建议说必须完全杜绝虚假和误导的信息。

    On August 23rd , for example , Beijing 's Communist Party chief paid a friendly visit to the offices of China 's biggest microblogging site , Sina Corp 's Weibo , and suggested that it " absolutely put an end to fake and misleading information . "

  12. 周一,吴仁宝因肺癌去世,终年84岁。上世纪80年代初,江苏省东部华西村的原党委书记吴仁宝以一种具有政治智慧的方式回应了中国的市场改革,进而促成了华西村的经济腾飞。

    Mr. Wu , who died of lung cancer at age 84 on Monday , responded to China 's market overhauls in the early 1980s with a politically savvy strategy to charge up the economy of Huaxi , the village in eastern Jiangsu province that he headed as Communist Party secretary .