
dǎng gāng
  • party programme;programme of the Party
党纲 [dǎng gāng]
  • [party programme] 党章的总纲,是一个政党的最基本的政治纲领和组织纲领

党纲[dǎng gāng]
  1. 1847年十一月在伦敦举行的同盟代表会上,委托马克思和恩格斯两人起草一个理论上和实践上周详的党纲,以备公布。

    At a congress of the League , held in London in Nov.1847 , Marx and Engles were commissioned to prepare for publication a complete theoretical and practical party programme .

  2. 这时列宁重新开始草拟党纲的工作。

    Then Lenin renewed his work on the draft programme of the Party .

  3. 政党党纲里通过的方针。

    An endorsed policy in the platform of a political party .

  4. 二是强调政党的党风党德建设及党纲党规的遵守;

    Second , emphasizing on the construction of atmosphere and morality in the Party .

  5. 大会的主要议程有三项:一、讨论党纲草案;

    There are three main agenda of the General Assembly : First , to discuss the draft platform ;

  6. 从八十余年十六个党章11个党纲的比较中,可以透视出理论变迁的历史轨迹。

    From the comparison of the 16 constitutions and 11 party programmes , the historical locus of theoretical changes has been found .