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liáng yī
  • good doctor
良医 [liáng yī]
  • [good doctor] 医术高明的医生

良医[liáng yī]
  1. 她得到良医的治疗。

    She is attended by a good doctor .

  2. 亲情使是我们彼此疗疾慰苦的良医。

    Kinship is healing , we are physicians to each other .

  3. 大家都无计可施,全国最好的良医也没办法救她的病。

    Not even the best doctor in the country could cure her .

  4. 时间可以是抚平创伤的良医,但也是掩盖丑恶的美容师。

    Time may be a great healer , but it 's also a lousy beautician .

  5. 但是,他也因此收获了朋友和陌生人的大量支持,他们同情他、鼓励他,还为他推荐良医。

    But in return , he gathered a good deal of support from friends and strangers who empathized , recommended doctors and cheered him on .

  6. 方翁正如一切老辈读书人,自信“不为良相,便为良医”,懂得医药。

    Like all lettered men of the older generation , Fang tun-weng believed that he knew something about medicine : " if not a good official , then a good doctor ," as the saying went .