- vowel

[vowel] 指发音气流在口腔通过不受阻碍而发出的声音
Each language has a different vowel system .
The vowel in words like ' my ' and ' thigh ' is not very difficult .
The alphabet might be more rational if all the vowels came first
The word commences with a vowel .
Note the various sounds of vowels followed by r.
Vowels possess greater sonority than consonants .
Used instead of my before an initial vowel or the letter H.
On the length of the vowels in the nasalized finals in the Yiwu dialect
He stressed the first vowel of " object ", which was the wrong pronunciation for the verb .
A semivowel , one having an audible sound by the addition of another Letter ; e.g.S and R.
The second for loop only finds lowercase vowels as it iterates over the original string .
So for this unless an R is written before a vowel it isn 't pronounced , listen to this .
A diacritical mark ( u-curved ) placed over a vowel to indicate a short sound .
W makes an effect on front vowel , later one and palate position of it remains stable .
Now , another feature of this British accent is that we have different vowels for hot and dog than we do in talk and law .
A diacritical mark ( ~ ) placed over the letter n in Spanish to indicate a palatal nasal sound or over a vowel in Portuguese to indicate nasalization .
Practice British consonants and vowels with repetitive ditties , like " Ten tiny typists tripped through the tunnel " ;
Note that this means , unlike vowels , intervening H and W characters do not act as a barrier to combining runs of letters with the same code .
The imitating system by MATLAB experiments on the text composed of vowel , voiceless consonant and voiced consonant . The result shows that the recognition rate is over 98.5 % .
This is a front vowel , which for me , means it feels like it comes more from here , eh , than from here , ah , father .
Story says singing is in some ways easier to simulate , because it tends to have long , sustained vowels , a more precise pitch , and a musical score to mask the imperfections .
Dr de Boer , of the University of Amsterdam , then played the sounds to people and asked them to identify the vowel .
The next two for loops iterate through the string and count how many vowels ( 'a ' , 'e ' , 'i ' , 'o ' , or'u ' ) it contains .
Spelling an umlaut as ae , oe , or ue only maps to the corresponding exact match without further expansion .
( of a metric foot ) characterized by two short syllables followed by a long one . a diacritical mark ( u-curved ) placed over a vowel to indicate a short sound .
Secondly , the variants of English verbal roots before - t ( us ) of the suffix of the past participle , in the variation , except several roots letters have the variants of vowel letters , the rest have the variants of the consonant letters .
And there are three factors playing an important role in this sound change : the straight and abrupt entering rhymes , the function of compensatory lengthening and the qualifying element of high vowels .
It was found that the Fo perturbation at the start-point and the ending-point of the Fo curves in each syllable caused by tonal coarticulation larger than the difference of the intrinsic Fo of vowels at the start-point and the ending-point .
The main work includes : ( 1 ) In order to automatic extract pseudo-syllable from speech , we introduce the notion of CV-syllable , which is consists of a consonant segment and a vowel segment .
Data collected from the study were analyzed via the Microsoft Excel and SPSS . Several conclusions were drawn as follows : 1 . The ranking of the subjects ' perception of English front vowels was / I : / / (?)