
  • 网络Symbol;symbols for elements
  1. 汞的化学元素符号是什么?

    What 's the chemical symbol for mercury ?

  2. ‘Au’是金的化学元素符号。

    Au is the chemical symbol for gold .

  3. 它使用了一组比XMLPPM更大的PPM模型,因为它使用独立的模型压缩每个元素符号下的文本上下文。

    It uses a bigger set of PPM models than XMLPPM as it uses a separate model to compress the text content under each element symbol .

  4. 本文提出了一种新型的信息例程网模型(IP-Net)的元素符号定义及数学描述。

    People Network A new information procedure net model ( IP-Net ) with its mathematical description is proposed .

  5. 在我国的传统艺术精粹和世界范围的中国元素符号中,昆曲占有十分重要的地位。

    As Chinese traditional art pristine and symbolic element around the world Kun Opera plays an very important role .

  6. 作为雅文化的元素符号,雪是道德情操的象征,呈现冷色调的美感。

    " Snow ", as a symbol of elegant culture , symbolizes nobleness , with the sense of cold beauty .

  7. 实现造型装饰元素符号化的主要方法包括对原有造型装饰元素的概括简化、几何重构、变形等方法。

    The approach of denotation of sculpt decorate element include simplify , reconstruct and distortion to the traditional sculpts decorates content .

  8. 通过对传统建筑形式的借鉴和元素符号的提炼,创造出功能合理、与周边环境协调、全新的窗口建筑。

    This article introduced the designing process of this building and argued how to design a landmark building with complicated function while concerning about its context at the same time .

  9. 指出挖掘研究传统文化艺术并把传统元素符号用于现代设计是改变我国现代艺术设计落后状态的重要途径。

    It pointed out that the excavation of traditional culture and arts and the traditional symbol for modern design is to change the backward state of our country modern art design is an important way .

  10. 地图的构成符号是点、线、面三部分,因此,对于地图的识别,其实就是对三元素符号的识别。

    The composition of the map symbol is part of the point , line , surface , and therefore , for the identification of the map , in fact , recognizing symbols of these three elements .

  11. 因此,本文从孝感麻糖的包装现状分析,研究如何凭借视觉元素符号来提升孝感麻糖品牌的整体形象,并就此分析了孝感麻糖包装发展的主要趋向。

    Therefore , this article from the packaging Xiaogan Sesame Chips Analysis on how to sign with visual elements to enhance the overall image of the brand Xiaogan Sesame Chips , and this analysis of the main development Xiaogan Sesame Chips packaging trends .

  12. 导向系统译为英文是wayfindingsignagesystem,其存在的功能应该是具有连续性的、并且是具有一套完整系统的,并且它可以利用周围的各种元素、符号、图形来传递它想表达的信息。

    Orientation system for English translation is " wayfinding signagesystem ", its existing functions should be continuity , and is a complete system with , and it canuse all sorts of elements , symbols around , graphics to deliver it to express information .

  13. 化学元素用符号来表示。

    A chemical element is represented by a symbol .

  14. 看表格中42号及44号元素的符号。

    See on the table , the symbol for element 42 and 44 .

  15. 在设计创作中运用了大量的水墨笔触等中国元素和符号来营造设计意境。

    And the designing works were put in a large number of ink strokes and other Chinese elements and symbols .

  16. 越来越多的城市开始关注和使用具有自身文化特色的传播元素和符号,这些元素或符号通过文化创意产业可以找到并被推广。

    More and more city started to pay attention to and use its own culture characteristics of communication elements and symbols .

  17. 通过去除候选码字中相同元素对符号集合进行简化,降低了译码复杂度和译码延时。

    On the basis of this study , further simplification was presented , which decreased the complexity and the latency of the decoder .

  18. 人们通过观察和理解,将动漫形象中的视觉可见元素与符号不可见元素进行联系,从而解读出动漫形象的个性和特点。

    Through observation and comprehension , people could link the visible visualized factors with the invisible symbols , and read about the personality of the characters .

  19. 在早期的周期表中,43号元素没有符号因为那是有43个质子数的元素尚未被发现。

    In early versions of the table , there was no symbol for element 43 protons because no element with 43 protons had been discovered yet .

  20. 本文给出了航班计划基本元素的符号表构建方法和航班计划中关键词的检查方法,对检出错误的校正方法也给予了阐述。

    The methods of designing symbol tables of basic elements and checking key words of flight scheduling were presented . And the methods of revising the errors were given too .

  21. 再看从现代主义到后现代的这几十年,人们又回到历史将过去的元素和符号重新认识和简化,给现代风格添加一点人情味和历史感。

    Again see from modernism to post-modern this for decades , people back to history will past elements and symbols re-understood and simplified to modern style , add a little bit of human and history .

  22. 标识设计的过程即元素的符号化过程,文章以符号学与信息论的理论基础为支撑,研究标识设计作为视觉符号的编码与解码过程。

    Logo design is the process of symbolic elements , the article semiotics and information theory to support the theoretical basis to research the logo design as a visual symbol of the encoding and decoding process .

  23. 该章节首先捕捉学术前沿,运用传播学、广告心理学基础理论,有所创新地提出旅行社报纸广告设计的关键元素:符号、注意力、需要。

    Firstly , this part consults the front line of the academic field , applying the basic theory of communication and advertising psychology , then points out the key elements of it creatively : sign , attention and need .

  24. 最后提炼出功能转换与重组、元素与符号的再利用、创造新的空间体验的设计方法,从自然途径、技术整合途径、景观生态格局途径进行技术途径研究。

    Finally , the paper refined design method , which included transformation and restructuring of function , recycle of elements and symbols , creating a new space experience . Research was made through the approaches which included comply with the nature , technology integration , landscape ecological pattern .

  25. 服装的造型是由当代的时尚元素之语言符号和形态要素来表达的一种动态的形象构成的。

    Modeling is a dynamic image composite expressed by the contemporary fashion .

  26. 传统家具的造型元素、设计符号、结构设计等是现代中式家具创新设计的基础与灵感来源。

    Its modeling elements , design symbols and structural design mark the basis and inspiration source of creative design in modern furniture .

  27. 中国元素不管从符号上还是精神上都深刻反映和传承中国深邃、厚重的文化底蕴和中国聪慧、朴实、善良、锲而不舍的民族精神。

    The Chinese elements profoundly reflects and inherits the deep and sincere culture as well as the national spirits of intelligence , simple and perseverance .

  28. 我们常常将符号动力系统中的元素,即符号序列看作是一个有限的字母表上的一种形式语言来对它进行研究。

    We often will sign elements , namely the power system is considered as a symbolic sequence of limited alphabet is a form of language to its study .

  29. 如今,藏佛图符作为一种特殊的设计元素与图形符号语言被广泛应用在现代生活的方方面面,藏佛图样式成了所有现代设计文化借鉴的宝贵素材。

    Now being a kind of special design element and sketch sign language it is applied in modern life of aspect noodles what we can draw precious materials from .

  30. 但是,由于行列式中的元素通常是符号化的,即其中每个元素都是关于变元(或参数)的多项式,导致行列式展开时的中间计算过程膨胀(甚至爆炸)。

    However , as each entry in the determinant is symbolic , that is , a polynomial in variable ( s ), this leads to the intermediate expression swell ( or explosion ) problem in the expansion of determinant .