
  • 网络Manzhouli City
  1. 浅析满洲里市中小型木材企业的困境和出路

    Analysis on the Predicament and Solution of Middle-size and Small-size Wood Enterprises in Manzhouli City

  2. 内蒙古满洲里市艾滋病高危人群干预效果评价

    Effect evaluation of intervention measures among AIDS high-risk population in Manzhouli City , Inner Mongolia

  3. 满洲里市景观生态修复与重建

    Ecological Restoration and Reconstruction of Landscapes in Manzhouli

  4. 内陆沿边开放城市满洲里市土地定级方法研究

    Study on the Method of Land Gradation of Manzhouli , an Interior Border Open City

  5. 受到自然和人为因素的影响,满洲里市生态环境十分脆弱。

    Due to the natural factors and the irrational actions of human being , the landscape of Manzhouli is very vulnerable .

  6. 本文对满洲里市环境空气现状进行了分析,预测了该城市的大气污染趋势,提出环境空气综合整治对策以及大气污染控制治理措施。

    The article analyzed the current status of air environment in ManZhouLi city and forecasted tendency for air pollution . suggested countermeasures of synthetic treatment program on air pollution .

  7. 满洲里市地表水体和地下水中氟含量已超过水质标准,土壤中的氟也超过全国平均水平。

    A survey showed that Fluoride in both ground and surface water was beyond of the official criteria in Manzhouli , while the contents of fluoride in local soil exceeded the average content of China .

  8. 目前满洲里市信息港的建设已初具规模,但在人们的思想认识和信息基础设施建设、管理等方面仍存在很多问题。

    The framework of the information center has been settled at the present , but there have been many problems in people 's thinking as well as in the construction of the infrastructure and the administrative aspect .

  9. 将会为满洲里市各级单位提供信息化辅助决策的评价体系和公共管理模式创新的依据,将促进满洲里市信息化建设更好更快地发展。

    It provides the government departments in Manchuria City with the information-based evaluation system for decision support , and also offers the basis for public administration innovation , which would definitely promote the information construction for this city .