
  • 网络Metacognition;metacognitive;meta-cognitive;metacognitive knowledge
  1. 元记忆(Metamemory)是元认知的一个重要形式,对学困生元记忆发展特点的专门研究国内目前还没有。

    Metamemory is an important part of metacognition . At present , there is no special research on metamemory development of learning-disabled students in our country .

  2. 自从Flavell提出元认知的概念以来,越来越多的研究开始涉及元认知和不同学习任务之间的关系。

    Since Flavell advocated the theory of metacognition , increasing numbers of studies have been undertaken to investigate the relationship between metacognition and different learning tasks .

  3. 开放式问卷结果表明:英语写作元认知有一定的发展性。世界PCB三大生产基地的特点与发展趋势

    Productive Characteristic and Developmental Trend of Three - pole PCB Base in World

  4. 元认知与EFL写作水平研究

    A Study of Metacognition and Proficiency in EFL Writing

  5. 策略根据其功能可分为认知、元认知、情感和社交(交际)策略(CohenandWeaver,2006)。

    Strategies can be classified by function : cognitive , metacognitive , affective and social ( communication ) ( Cohen and Weaver , 2006 ) .

  6. W检验结果表明,元认知干预技术比系统脱敏疗法的治疗持续时间更短,来访者在治疗时和社交情景中的情绪体验更好,社交情景中自信心和主动性的满意度更高。

    Results of W-tests indicate that the duration of Meta-cognition Intervention Technique is much shorter than Systematic Desensitization , client can have a good emotional expression in the treatment and social interaction scenes , and feel more initiative and confidence satisfaction .

  7. 自Flavell(1976)提出元认知理论以来,关于元认知心里学研究层出不穷。

    Since Flavell ( 1976 ) proposed the meta-cognitive theory , many researches concerning meta-cognition have been carried out .

  8. 此项调查研究采用Oxford编制的语言学习策略(SILL)作为调查英语学习者使用元认知策略的工具,又以英语专业四级考试成绩作为衡量学习水平的标准。

    Oxford 's ( 1990 ) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning ( SILL ) was utilized to measure metacognitive strategy preferences , while the results of Test for English Majors ( TEM 4 ) were adopted as a measurement of English proficiency .

  9. 自美国心理学家Flavell提出元认知概念以来,元认知的研究受到了国内外教育学家和心理学家的重视,有关元认知的问题得到了广泛的研究。

    Since the conception of metacognition was proposed by America psychologist Flavell , researches of metacognition have been highly emphasized by pedagogic educators and psychologists all over the world .

  10. 本研究建立在O'MalleyandChamot对学习策略的分类之上,即将学习策略分为元认知策略,认知策略和社会情感策略三大类。

    The study was based on the classification of learning strategies proposed by O'Malley and Chamot , with metacognitive strategies , cognitive strategies and social / affective strategies as the three categories of learning strategies .

  11. 3)以有声思维法及Chamot的认知性语言学习方法(CALLA)为基础进行元认知阅读策略训练能有效的提高高职高专学生的阅读水平。

    Thirdly , the training , based on the " think-aloud method " and Chamot 's " Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach " ( CALLA ), proves to be able to make higher vocational students perform better and learn more in reading comprehension .

  12. Wenden(1985)认为促进学生自主学习的关键是培养学生的学习策略,而学习策略的关键是元认知策略。

    While students focusing on metacognitive strategy training are not too much . Wenden ( 1985 ) considers that learning strategy is the key to foster learners ' autonomy while metacognition is the key to learning strategy .

  13. 本文采用了Carrell设计的在第二语言阅读中的元认知意识问卷,并结合自己的调查研究,探讨了大中学生的元认知意识与其英语阅读理解水平之间的关系。

    By issuing questionnaires on metacognitive awareness in the second language reading , the authors do a research on the relationship between the metacognitive awareness and the English reading comprehension level of the students in middle schools and universities .

  14. Vandergrift针对二语听力水平与听力策略之间的联系进行了实验研究,发现元认知策略、认知策略在二语听力者建立概念构架及深层理解方面起到重要作用。

    In terms of the link between second language listening level and listening strategies , Vandergrift carried out some experiments , which discovered the significance of metacognitive strategy and cognitive strategy in the establishment of conceptual framework and profound comprehension .

  15. 以任务为基础的元认知策略研究

    The Assessment of Metacognitive Strategies in a Task - based Approach

  16. 策略发现的元认知机制和联结机制的交互作用理论

    The Interaction Theory of Metacognitive and Associative Mechanisms of Strategy Discovery

  17. 学习策略的元认知训练对学习成绩的影响

    Effects on the Performance of Study From Strategy and Meta-cognition Training

  18. 论述了化学元认知的概念和结构;

    The concept and structure of metacognition in chemistry are discussed .

  19. 第三部分探讨元认知策略教学与训练。

    Part Three concerns issues on the training of metacognitive strategies .

  20. 三是系统渗透数学学科元认知知识;

    The third , systemically input the knowledge of mathematics metacognition .

  21. 谈经济学教学中的元认知提问

    On the Meta - Cognitive Questions in the Teaching of Economics

  22. 国内外英语写作元认知研究综述

    Review of researches on metacognition in English writing home and abroad

  23. 教师元认知技能研究及其培训途径

    A Study of Teacher 's Metacognitive Skills and the Training Strategy

  24. 元认知与英语四级考试的相关研究

    A Research on Correlation between Metacognition and Performance on CET 4

  25. 元认知监控和归纳意识对顿悟问题解决的影响

    The Effects of Meta-cognition Monitoring and Induction Consciousness on Insight Problem-solving

  26. 元认知理论与外语教学效能革命&二语语法四维循环教学法实证研究

    Case Study : Four-dimensional-cycle Teaching Principles of the Second Language Grammar

  27. 非英语专业学生英语元认知监控学习策略调查

    A survey on Metacognition Control of non-English Major Students in English Studying

  28. 数学问题解决的再反馈程式与元认知训练

    Re-Feedback Equation and Drills of Meta-Recognization for Solving Maths Problems

  29. 元认知听力理解策略培训研究

    The study of listening instruction based on metacognitive strategies training

  30. 元认知理论视野下的外语师资培训

    On Training Foreign Language Teachers in the View of Theory of Metacognition