
shàng è
  • the upper jaw;the palate;the roof of the mouth;mandible;supramaxilla
上颚[shàng è]
  1. 上颚上有道深深的凹槽。

    The upper jaw is deeply grooved .

  2. 不幸的是,上颚的第四颗前臼齿很大,看起来就象是下颚的第一颗臼齿,这颗前臼齿也被称作叫裂齿。

    Unfortunately , the fourth premolar in the upper jaw is quite large and looks like the first molar in the lower jaw ; it is known as a carnassial tooth .

  3. 冷饮在到达上颚之前没有足够的时间升温。

    The drink doesn 't get chance to warm up before it hits the roof of your mouth .

  4. 最简单的办法就是喝冷饮时吸管不要直接对着上颚。

    The simplest way when you are drinking through a straw is not to angle3 the straw in the direction of your palette .

  5. 冰激凌头疼,有时也叫“脑冻结”,指用吸管喝冷饮的时候,冷饮直接到达上颚时感觉到的来自太阳穴的疼痛感。

    The ice cream headache , often called a " brain freeze " , is actually referred pain from the roof of the mouth which you feel coming from the temple area of your forehead when you suck cold beverages2 through a straw , sucking the liquid directly onto the palate .

  6. 在IBMPc微机建立我国6属39种蚊幼虫上颚扫描电镜特征检索系统

    ~ 8key system to the SEM characteristics of mosquito larval mandible of 39 species of 6 genera by IBM PC analysis

  7. 蜂胶(propolis)是蜜蜂从植物新生芽、树干、伤口等处采集的树脂,混入其上颚腺分泌物、蜂蜡、花粉等混合加工而成的一种具有芳香气味的胶状物质。

    Propolis is a resinous substance which collected by honeybee from plant buds , trunk and wound , and mixed with wax , pollen and their mandibular gland secretions .

  8. 现在经过一系列的手术,他上颚的分裂部分已经闭合,但上颚仍需要接受更多手术治疗,母亲Lacey说道。

    Through a series of operations , doctors have closed his cleft lip but his palate will require more surgeries , his mother said .

  9. 影响工蜂劳动分工的因素相当复杂,主要包括:工蜂的日龄、保幼激素(JH)浓度、遗传基因、遗传-环境互作和蜂王上颚腺信息素(QMP)等。

    While the related regulation and control which affect honeybee 's division of labor is complexity , probably included several major factors : honeybee 's age , juvenile hormone ( JH ), genotype , genotype-environment interactions and queen mandibular gland pheromone ( QMP ) .

  10. 咬紧牙关,舌头顶住上颚。

    Grit your teeth while pushing your tongue against your pallet .

  11. 这个昆虫的上唇和上颚都受了伤。

    The upper lip and mandibles of the insect were injured .

  12. 上颚最后的一只前臼齿,下颚最前的一只臼齿。

    Last premolar of upper jaw , first molar of lower jaw .

  13. 黑色橄榄、李子还有黑樱桃的香味刺激您的上颚。

    Black cherry with hints of black olive and plum greet the palate .

  14. 被拔掉一个上颚前门牙?

    To have one upper front tooth pulled out ?

  15. 我的上颚都要着火了。

    The roof of my mouth is on fire .

  16. 上颚或下颚突出为失格。

    Undershot or overshot bite is a disqualification .

  17. 它引起形态上的改变,其亦包括了上颚窦的发展。

    It leads to morphologic changes , which include the development of the sinuses .

  18. 上颚阻生犬齿是混合齿列期常遇见的问题。

    An impacted maxillary canine is a frequently encountered clinical problem in the mixed dentition .

  19. 10.味觉,上颚/调色板,颜料

    10 . Palate / Palette

  20. 他没有上颚,不能闭合嘴唇,也没有双目。

    Christian had no palate , was unable to shut his mouth and was born without eyes .

  21. 咽鼓管连接人的咽喉和中耳,在上颚的上方。

    The tube extends from the middle ear to the back of the throat , above the palate .

  22. 根据x线片报告,我可以诊断你患了上颚窦炎和筛窦炎。

    According to the X-ray report , I can say that you are having maxillary sinusitis and ethmoid sinusitis .

  23. 星巴克咖啡连锁店已经为高级的巧克力用进入市场的计画插入在增加的上颚后面的它的重量。

    Starbucks has thrust its weight behind the growing palate for premium chocolate with plans to enter the market .

  24. 本实用新型公开了一种阴道扩张器,由上颚、下颚以及连接部件构成。

    The utility model discloses a cunt dilater and consists of a maxilla , a chin and a connecting item .

  25. 软化口腔根部(上颚后部&译注),让这部分朝着眼睛后部的鼻腔部分拱起向上。

    Soften the roof of the mouth and allow it to dome up into the nasal cavities behind the eyes .

  26. 打鼾是由于气道&上颚或者小舌头的软组织在睡眠期间放松并振动而产生的。

    Snoring is caused when soft tissue in the airways – the palate or uvula – relaxes during sleep and vibrates .

  27. 品尝巧克力时,用舌头将它顶到上颚并通过融化来感觉巧克力的质地。

    When tasting a piece of chocolate , let it melt against the roof of your mouth to feel the texture .

  28. 口腔发音位置:牙齿紧贴在一起,舌尖抵住上颚。

    The position : the teeth are together , and the tip of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth .

  29. 有两种口哨不需要其他辅助,而只用到口腔,分别称为为唇哨(撅嘴哨)和上颚哨。

    There are two kinds of whistle you can make with just your mouth , the Pucker Whistle and the Palate Whistle .

  30. 这将是一种友好的凝视,带着一种内在的微笑,而这种微笑会帮助我们打开上颚的后部。

    It would be a friendly gaze accompanied by a soft internal smile which will open and relax the back of the palate .