
chǔ xù zhànɡ hù
  • savings account;thrift account
  1. 我在本地银行开了一个储蓄账户。

    I opened a savings account at my local bank .

  2. 我把支票存入我的储蓄账户。

    I paid the cheque into my savings account .

  3. 如果把钱存入储蓄账户,就会自然生息。

    Interest will accrue if you keep your money in a savings account .

  4. 开一个取款时不会乱收费的储蓄账户。

    Open a savings account that does not charge ridiculous fees to withdraw money

  5. 他往自己的储蓄账户上存了20英镑。

    He paid £ 20 into his savings account

  6. 我在国民威斯敏斯特银行有两个账户,一个储蓄账户和一个活期存款账户。

    I had two accounts with Natwest , a savings account and a current account .

  7. (我每个月都会把一定数量的钱转到我的储蓄账户里。)

    Example I transfer account each month .

  8. 注意关键词“openanaccount(开立账户),acurrentaccount(活期储蓄账户)”。

    M : A current account , please .

  9. 基于银行储蓄账户管理系统的UML建模方法及应用研究

    Research on UML Modeling Method and It 's Application Basing on Management System of Bank Account

  10. PETERD'ARRUDA:“世界各地的人们把钱存入年金,这是保险公司提供的基本储蓄账户。”

    PETER D'ARRUDA : " Worldwide people can put their money in , which are basically savings accounts offered by insurance companies . "

  11. 解决方式有许多:俄勒冈州的参议院罗恩o怀登最近表示,支持“立志法案”(ASPIREAct,TheAmericaSavingforPersonalInvestment,Retirement,andEducationAct)中提到的给全体儿童设立储蓄账户的提议。

    There are multiple ways : Senator Ron Wyden ( D-Ore. ) has recently voiced his support for a universal savings accounts for children , modeled on the ASPIRE Act .

  12. 用简洁的语言,比如:“在Bob的储蓄账户上应该有5000美元存款”。

    This is expressed in plain language such as " Then there should be $ 5000 on Bob 's savings account " .

  13. Ferrari表示,他为新出生的孩子开设了大学储蓄账户之后开办了SmartyPig。

    Mister Ferrari says SmartyPig opened after he started a college savings account for his new baby .

  14. 客户听够了不明智的建议,纷纷涌入低成本的交易所交易基金(ETF)或储蓄账户。

    Fed up with poor advice , clients rushed into low-cost exchange-traded funds or savings accounts .

  15. 约三分之一的英国人负责任地将钱存在免税个人储蓄账户(Isa)中。

    About one third of the UK population has responsibly tucked money away in tax-free individual savings accounts ( Isas ) .

  16. 作为一名手头拮据的大学生,最简单的开始就是把所有的硬币都存起来,每周都存到一个没有ATM卡的储蓄账户里(这样可以避免因为一些无聊的事情而去取钱)。

    The easiest way to start , as a cash strapped college student , is to save all your coins and deposit every week into a savings account with no ATM card ( to avoid temptation to withdraw for frivolous things ) .

  17. 进出口银行也面向崭露头角的女企业主提供创新型储蓄账户服务。该账户名为Tumaini(斯瓦西里语,意为“希望”)账户。

    Exim also offers an innovative savings account for budding women entrepreneurs called the Tumaini Account ( Swahili for " hope ") .

  18. 麦肯锡(mckinsey&co)莫斯科办事处主管艾琳施瓦克曼(ireneshvakman)补充道,由于实际利率为负,许多人也更愿意将收入消费出去,而不是存在银行的储蓄账户里。

    Given negative real interest rates , many people also prefer to spend what they earn rather than put it into a bank savings account , adds Irene Shvakman , director at the Moscow office of McKinsey & Co.

  19. 但是不能在储蓄账户上开支票。

    However , checks cannot be issued on a savings account ;

  20. 待定积分就像是银行里储蓄账户里的钱。

    Pending credits are like money in a bank savings account .

  21. 你有医疗储蓄账户吗当然没有。

    Do you have a health savings account ? Definitely not .

  22. 要收的,但储蓄账户不收服务费。

    Yes , but there is no charge for a saving account .

  23. 储蓄账户利息是多少?

    What 's the interest rate for the saving account ?

  24. 选择一种储蓄账户来满足您的个人要求。

    Choose a savings account to math your individual needs .

  25. 我要把这笔钱存到储蓄账户里

    I 'd Like to Deposit This in My Savings Account

  26. 1980年,智利推出了基于私人储蓄账户的养老金改革。

    Chile introduced pension reforms based on private savings accounts in 1980 .

  27. 剩下的钱都打到我的储蓄账户里

    And -- and all the rest goes into my savings account .

  28. 我想从我的储蓄账户中取出500美金。

    I want to withdraw US $ 500 from my saving account .

  29. 你应该在这家银行开个储蓄账户。

    You should have a savings account in this bank .

  30. 你们把所有的储蓄账户记录都保存在计算机吗?

    Do you keep all savings account records in computer ?