
  • 网络official reserve;reserve asset
  1. 20可通过imf制定一套规则,用以遏制积累储备资产和冲销资本流入的行为。

    What the G20 can initiate through the IMF is a set of rules that limits the accumulation of reserve assets and sterilisation of capital inflows .

  2. 在需要时,一国可以用它向imf其它会员国换取外汇所以,它们可以替代美元作为储备资产。

    A country can use an SDR to claim currencies from other IMF members in time of need so they can be used as a reserve assets instead of dollars .

  3. (2009年中国的储备资产增加了163亿美元的非外汇类资产,主要是黄金及国际货币基金组织(IMF)设立的特别提款权(SpecialDrawingRights)。

    In2009 China also saw an increase of $ 16.3 billion in reserve assets that are not foreign exchange , primarily gold and IMF Special Drawings Rights .

  4. SDR资格对于储备资产地位来说既不是必要条件,也不是充分条件。

    SDR membership is neither necessary nor sufficient for reserve asset status .

  5. 大量发行特别提款权(SDR)IMF自有的储备资产的主意相当出色。

    The idea of a large issuance of SDRs – the IMF 's own reserve asset – is an excellent one .

  6. 第二,IMF应同意让人民币成为特别提款权(SDR)货币篮子中的第五种货币。特别提款权是IMF的国际储备资产。

    Second , the IMF should agree to add the renminbi to the basket of four currencies in the Special Drawing Rights , its international reserve asset .

  7. 也包括中国官员在内的一些人谈到,可以转而将特别提款权(sdr)当作一种储备资产。

    Some , including Chinese officials , talk of a shift towards SDRs ( Special Drawing Rights ) as a reserve asset .

  8. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)有关各国央行储备资产构成的数据显示,在2012年第二季度市场对欧元区经济重拾信心时,储备主管们就在提高欧元的持有量。

    International Monetary Fund data on the composition of central bank reserves show reserve managers were increasing their holdings of euros as confidence returned in the second quarter of 2012 .

  9. 由IMF新发行2500亿美元特别提款权的提议,将充实世界的储备资产池,为新兴和发展中经济体松绑。

    The proposed new issuance of $ 250bn of special drawing rights by the IMF would increase the world 's pool of reserve assets , freeing the hands of emerging and developing economies .

  10. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)正在探讨特别提款权(SDR)这一很少用到的人为创造的储备资产、以及新兴市场货币在国际货币体系中能够发挥何种作用。

    The International Monetary Fund is exploring the role of the special drawing right ( SDR ), a little-used artificial reserve asset , and emerging markets currencies in the system .

  11. 如果SDR要成为一种储备资产甚至是私人持有的资产,它需要发展成一个具备深度和流动性的市场。

    If the unit is to take off as a reserve and indeed privately held asset , it will need to develop a deep and liquid market .

  12. 表面看来颇具吸引力的一个选项就是特别提款权(sdr),它是在1969年另一轮有关美元霸权地位的讨论中创造出的储备资产形式。

    A superficially attractive option is the special drawing right , a form of reserve asset created in 1969 during another round of discussions about the dominant dollar .

  13. 除了该提议,IMF还会研究一项通过发放特别提款权(SDR)增加数十亿美元的方案。SDR是一种IMF用来增加全球流动性的储备资产形式。

    The proposal could be coupled with a plan to create billions of dollars by issuing special drawing rights ( SDRs ), a form of reserve asset used by the IMF , to boost global liquidity .

  14. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)将于今年5月展开讨论,并于11月就是否让人民币成为特别提款权(SDR)货币篮子中的第五种货币做出决定。SDR是IMF创设的国际储备资产。

    The International Monetary Fund will hold discussions in May and make a decision in November on whether to add the Chinese renminbi to the four currencies it uses to value its Special Drawing Right ( SDR ), the international reserve asset created by the Fund .

  15. 现阶段我国外汇储备资产管理政策优化的对策分析

    Countermeasure analysis of China foreign currency reserve equity management policy optimization

  16. 我国城市土地收购储备资产证券化研究

    Research of China urban land purchase reserve 's equity security

  17. 次贷危机后中国外汇储备资产的风险及优化配置

    Risk and Optimal Allocation of China 's Foreign Exchange Reserves after Sub-prime Crisis

  18. 第四部分讨论了特别提款权的基本功能,指出其作为国际储备资产的缺陷所在。

    Next it discusses the basic functions of SDRs and points out the weaknesses .

  19. 黄金不再是储备资产。

    Gold was abandoned as a reserve asset .

  20. 如何平衡效率与安全?&从国储期铜风波谈国家储备资产运作

    How to Balance the Efficiency and the Safety

  21. 中国外汇储备资产管理的现状与对策

    Current situation and policies concerning foreign exchange reserve in China Forex Reserve Management in Several Economies

  22. 基于随机规划模型的我国外汇储备资产配置问题研究

    The Study on the Asset Allocation of Chinese Foreign Exchange Reserve Based on Stochastic Programming Model

  23. 藏金于民对我国储备资产替补效应的思考

    Studies on the substitution effect of Individuals Owing Gold on National Reserve Assets in Our Country

  24. 一旦各国央行大举抛售储备资产,就会导致市场严重混乱。

    Should central banks sell big quantities of reserves , this could lead to major market dislocations .

  25. 材料是生产企业资产中数量最大的流动资金。是企业为销售而耗用的储备资产。

    Material production assets in the largest number of liquidity for corporate sales and consumption of reserve assets .

  26. 这些数据显然表明,人们对于中国减持美国国债、对储备资产进行多元化调整的担忧有些过度,他说。

    The figures definitely suggest that worries about China diversifying away from Treasuries are overblown , he said .

  27. 从货币用途看,黄金又是重要的储备资产和投资工具。

    And as a world currency , gold also is one of the reserve assets and investment tools .

  28. 这意味着在市场看来,发展中国家可能会买入黄金,以分散储备资产风险。

    That means developing nations are thought likely to buy gold to diversify the risk in their reserves .

  29. 因此,它对于美元和国际储备资产总体配置都意义重大。

    As such , it has significant implications for the US dollar and for international portfolio allocation in general .

  30. 按储备资产的保有形式:金本位制度,金汇兑本位制度,信用本位制度。

    By form of reserve assets : gold standard system , gold exchange standard system , credit standard system .