
chǔ bèi jīn
  • reserve fund;nest egg
  1. 其2,500万美元的储备金已被减少到了800万美元左右。

    Its $ 25m reserve fund had been run down to around $ 8m .

  2. 公司不得不动用储备金来支付全部新设备的费用。

    The company had to dip into a reserve fund to pay for all the new equipment .

  3. 这是通过侵占40亿英镑的政府储备金完成的。

    This has been done by plundering £ 4 billion from the Government reserves .

  4. 但并不是所有的石油生产国都有巨额的储备金。

    But not all oil producers have big reserves .

  5. 许多石油生产国在价格高时建立巨额储备基金,因此当价格下跌时,他们将利用储备金来支撑政府开支并补贴消费者。

    " Many oil producers built up huge reserve funds when prices were high , so when prices fall they will draw on their reserves to support government spending and subsidiesfor their consumers . "

  6. 填补赤字所需的大部分资金将来自储备金ReserveFund,它是由石油暴利税收入所建两只基金中的一只。

    Most money to cover the deficit would come from the Reserve Fund , one of two funds consisting of windfall oil revenue .

  7. 作为主管银行,pboc(中国人民银行)早就意识到拥有足够储备金以弥补坏账亏损的重要性。

    As regulator , the PBOC realized early the importance of having sufficient reserves to offset losses from bad debt .

  8. 如果各国持有SDR作为储备金就能逃离Triffin说的困境了。

    And if countries held their reserves in SDRs , they would escape the Triffin dilemma .

  9. 德国经济协调储备金制度之内容与借鉴由Black-Scholes公式的欧式期权定价方法提出了计算银行资产储备金费率的一个新的数学方法,适用于指导中央制定金融储备金费率。

    On the Content and Reference Value of Germanic Economy Coordination Reserve System By Black-Scholes option pricing equation , we put forward a new simple method to estimate capital charge ration asked for the commercial bank in deposit insurance .

  10. NikolaiPetrov说,俄罗斯还有4750亿储备金,如果继续按照这种情况下去,俄罗斯还可以支撑6个月。

    With an estimated $ 475 billion in the reserve fund earlier in November , Nikolai Petrov notes that Russia can continue tapping its currency reserves at the present rate for about six months .

  11. 国家养老储备金制度分析&从国际比较的视角

    The Analysis of National Pension Reserve Fund & from International Perspective

  12. 目前,银行必须持有的储备金仅为2%。

    Currently banks are required to hold two percent in reserve .

  13. 你储备的钱就成了储备金。

    The money you saved up is a nest egg .

  14. 人寿保险保费分析方法银行储备金费率的一个新算法

    Premium Analysis of Life Insurance New Method to Estimate Capital Charge Ratio

  15. 他们的储备金很少,需要这笔钱来保持清偿能力。

    They have low reserves and need the money to stay solvent .

  16. 所有的储备金都埋在地下或藏在山洞里。

    All reserves were buried underground or in caves .

  17. 银行将十多倍倍的部分储备金打包成债务,向公众开放。

    Banks use Fractional reserve of10xs to lend as debt to the public .

  18. 她有一点储备金。

    She keeps a little money in reserve .

  19. 银行必须持有更多的安全储备金。

    Banks have been holding bigger safety reserves .

  20. 儿童生存与发展全球储备金委员会

    Child Survival and Development Committee for Global Reserves

  21. 基金要专款专用,留有一定的风险储备金。

    Fund wants special fund special , take the risk reserve with have certain .

  22. 在全国经济状况改善的情况下,银行还必须持有更多储备金。

    Banks would also have to hold extra reserves as their national economies improve .

  23. 但在这发生之前,中国的储备金可能冲到2万亿美元。

    But before that happens , china 's reserves could well hit $ 2 trillion .

  24. 用这一信息更新财务系统,调整财务储备金。

    The financial system is updated with the information and the financial reserves are adjusted .

  25. 我国水电工程风险储备金计算方法研究

    Research on the approach of estimating contingency reserve for the Investments of Hydraulic Engineering Project

  26. 在当今银行体系下,储备金与放贷之间不存在一对一的联系。

    In a contemporary banking system , no one-to-one relation exists between reserves and lending .

  27. 他们宣布,将通过要求银行增加储备金来使银行规避风险。

    They announced proposals to make banks safer by requiring them to increase their reserves .

  28. 第二,人们对调整后的储备金该怎么运作越来越困惑。

    Second , there is growing confusion about what the revamped rescue fund should do .

  29. 小额投资是积累储备金的好方法。

    Investing small amounts of money is an excellent way of building a nest egg .

  30. 过渡时期我们不过问储备金行吗?

    So how can we not be concerned about the reserves during the transition period ?