首页 / 词典 / good

  • letter;mail;message;word
  • believe;take stock in;credit;at will
  • true
  • 诚实,不欺骗:~用。~守。~物。~货。~誓旦旦。

  • 不怀疑,认为可靠:~任。~托。~心。~念。

  • 崇奉:~仰。~徒。

  • 消息:~息。杳无音~。

  • 函件:~件。~笺。~鸽。~访。

  • 随便,放任:~手(随手)。~步(随意走动,散步)。~笔。~意。

  • 同“芯2”。

  • 姓。                                       

  • 古同“伸”,舒展开。

  • 古同“伸”,表白。


(书信) letter; mail:

  • 保价信

    insured letter;

  • 拆信

    open a letter;

  • 公开信

    an open letter;

  • 挂号信

    registered letter;

  • 平信

    ordinary letter [mail];

  • 私信

    personal [private] letter;

  • 证明信

    certificate; certification


(信息;消息) message; word; information:

  • 口信

    a verbal message; an oral message;

  • 通风报信

    divulge secret information; tip sb. off;

  • 还没有信儿呢。

    No news yet.

  • 你到达后给我来个信儿。

    Please send me word of your arrival.

  • 请你捎个信儿给他好吗?

    Would you mind giving him a message?


(凭据) sign; evidence:

  • 信号


  • 印信

    official seal


(信用) confidence; trust; faith:

  • 取信于民

    win the people's confidence [trust];

  • 失信

    break faith [one's promise];

  • 言而无信

    fail to keep faith; go back on one's word


(引信) fuse:

  • 炸药信管

    fuse in a blasting charge


(信石; 砒霜) arsenic:

  • 白信

    white arsenic


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 信都芳

    Xin Dufang


(相信) believe; take stock in; credit:

  • 坚信

    firmly [staunchly] believe;

  • 将信将疑

    half believe and half doubt;

  • 信不信由你

    believe it or not;

  • 信以为真

    accept sth. as true;

  • 他深信自己必将成功。

    He profoundly believes in his future success.


(听凭; 放任; 随意) at will; at random; without plan:

  • 信笔写来

    write freely without hesitation;

  • 信步闲游

    walk aimlessly


(信奉) profess faith in; believe in:

  • 信佛

    profess Buddhism


(确实) true:

  • 信乎?

    Is it true?

  • 信然。

    It is indeed true.

  1. 这封信是写给这所房子的住户的。

    The letter was addressed to the occupier of the house .

  2. 他拆开信封,抽出信来。

    He slit open the envelope and took out the letter .

  3. 许多声援信增加了这场运动的影响力。

    The many letters of support added weight to the campaign .

  4. 信的结尾顺便附了一句抱歉的话。

    An apology was tagged onto the end of the letter .

  5. 布告牌上张贴了这封信的内容。

    A copy of the letter was posted on the noticeboard .

  6. 别忘了把那封信给你妈寄去。

    Don 't forget to mail that letter to your mother .

  7. 据信那对夫妇已经离开了这个国家。

    It is believed that the couple have left the country .

  8. 那封信是对我们的法律立场的直截了当的声明。

    The letter was a bald statement of our legal position .

  9. 读到那封信时,我简直不敢相信。

    I could hardly believe it when I read the letter .

  10. 建立一个新档案,把这封信放进去。

    Start a new file and put this letter in it .

  11. 你查看一下我5月14日给你的信好吗?

    May I refer you to my letter of 14 May ?

  12. 她无奈之下写了一封致歉信。

    She wrote a letter of apology but only under protest .

  13. 我不信什么鬼呀魂呀的。

    I don 't believe in all that stuff about ghosts .

  14. 他使这封信保持正式公文的语气。

    He kept the tone of the letter formal and businesslike .

  15. 这封信显然使她极为悲伤。

    It was clear that the letter had deeply distressed her .

  16. 那封信是对我们的法律立场直截了当的声明。

    The letter was a bald statement of our legal position .

  17. 她想不起那封信的细节了。

    She could no longer recollect the details of the letter .

  18. 他用假的推荐信骗取了那份工作。

    He conned his way into the job using false references .

  19. 那封信必须今天到达,用专递寄吧。

    Courier that letter ─ it needs to get there today .

  20. 这封信是用她惯常的尖刻语调写的。

    The letter was written in her usual acerbic style .

  21. 自从接到那封信后她就一直焦虑不安。

    She had been worrying ever since the letter arrived .

  22. 把你的地址写在信的右上角。

    Write your address in the top right-hand corner of the letter .

  23. 那封信指示他立即向总部汇报。

    The letter instructed him to report to headquarters immediately .

  24. 可能他还没有收到那封信。

    It 's possible he has not received the letter .

  25. 她确信那封信中有言外之意。

    She felt sure the letter had some hidden meaning .

  26. 当然,我的信纯属私人信件,务须保密。

    My letter is , of course , strictly private and confidential .

  27. 她一看信眼泪就夺眶而出。

    She read the letter and promptly burst into tears .

  28. 当她的信原封不动被退回时,不祥之感就来了。

    Warning bells began to ring when her letters were returned unopened .

  29. 你的信被压在一堆文件底下。

    Your letter got buried under a pile of papers .

  30. 你要是愿意,我会给你查查这封信的。

    I 'll check this letter for you , if you want .