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  1. 方针就是避战,一切为了站稳脚。

    Our principle was to avoid battle and do everything possible to gain a firm foothold .

  2. 游戏训练我们的策略:何时攻击、何时避战。

    They teach us strategy : when to attack , and when to avoid a fight .

  3. 因此,“避战保船”的不是李鸿章,而是北洋舰队的提督丁汝昌。

    And the entire destruction of Beiyang Fleet would be attributed to the policy of " defending the ships by avoiding battles " by Lihongzhang .

  4. 战略方面,采取避战保船的消极防御方针,放弃了制海权;

    In strategy , a passive policy of de-fending the ships by avoiding battles was carried out so that the dominating power was given up ;