
xìn yì
  • faith;good faith
信义 [xìn yì]
  • [good faith] 信用和道义

信义[xìn yì]
  1. 他很讲信义。

    He acts in good faith .

  2. 这些条件的实行,首先需要确守信义,并且需要一些勇气。

    The fulfilment of these terms requires above all good faith , and also some courage .

  3. 她对她的副手很不守信义,使得他的职位岌岌可危。

    She was so disloyal to her deputy she made his position untenable

  4. 他又一次对他们不守信义。

    Once again he has broken his faith with them .

  5. 假如你对朋友不守信义,你就不要指望他们会信任你。

    You cannot expect your friends to trust you if you don 't keep faith with them .

  6. 那个骗子的提议是不守信义的,因为他压根儿就没想照协议办。

    The swindler 's offer was in bad faith as he never expected to honor the agreement .

  7. 在英美法上,这种义务称作信义义务(fiduciaryduty)。

    In common law , such duty is called " fiduciary duty " .

  8. 当今广为接受的通说为特殊关系说,即董事与公司的关系是一种特殊的信义关系(fiduciaryrelationship)。

    Now widely accepted theory is sui generis relation theory , which recognizes director-corporation relation as a special fiduciary relationship .

  9. 乏味、老派企业的2016年预期市盈率为个位数,包括电路板制造商建滔化工(KingboardChemical)或玻璃制造商信义玻璃(XinyiGlass)。

    Boring , old-fashioned businesses , including circuit board maker Kingboard Chemical , or glassmaker Xinyi Glass , trade on single-digit multiples of 2016 earnings .

  10. 金钟学曾向24集的《信义》(Faith)投入数百万美元,最终遭遇商业失败,而愤怒的剧组人员向他追讨被拖欠的薪酬。该剧讲述的是一位整形外科医生穿越时空回到过去的故事。

    Mr Kim had invested millions of dollars in Faith – a 24-part drama about a plastic surgeon who travels back in time – only to find himself facing a commercial flop and an angry cast pursuing him for unpaid wages .

  11. 在信义关系中,受信人(fiduciary)对给予其依赖、信任的另一人负有为该另一人的利益行事,并让自己的利益服从于该另一人利益的义务。

    In fiduciary relationship , fiduciary owes obligation to another person who relies on and places confidence in him to act for the benefit of such another person and subordinates his own interest to the interest of such another person .

  12. 诚信全称诚实信用,是具有约束力的商业道德和行为规范,以信义(Fides)为要素,是对欺诈(fraudation)的否定。

    Good faith is combination of honesty and credit and is regarded as binding business ethics and conduct code . It takes fides ( Bona fides ) as essence and defies fraud .

  13. 坦桑尼亚福音信义会(EvangelicalLutheranChurch)的当选主教弗雷德里克·休(FredrickShoo)已经和10万教民沿乞力马扎罗山植树12年,吹经此地的风炽热而干燥,会融化山上的冰川,他们希望此举能降低风的温度。

    Bishop Fredrick Shoo , the bishop elect of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania , has been planting trees with 100000 of his parishioners upwind of Mount Kilimanjaro for 12 years , in hopes of cooling the hot , dry winds that are melting the mountain 's glaciers .

  14. 自主创新在信义迸发活力全球造船业在整合中强力迸发

    Global shipbuilding industry is picking up strength in the reorganizing process

  15. 质量、品质保证,我司信义颇佳。

    Quality , quality assurance , I SECRETARY Lutheran quite good .

  16. 信义义务(注意义务和忠实义务)是控制股东应履行的基本义务。

    Fiduciary duty is the basic duty for the controlling shareholders .

  17. 论盟誓制度的伦理与孔子信义学说的形成

    Ethics in Treaty of Alliance System and Confucian Faith Theory

  18. 被尊奉为权威的教条或信义守则。

    A doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative .

  19. 最大的宗派为浸信会,其次是信义会。

    The Baptists form the largest denomination , followed by the lutherans .

  20. 职业经理人信义义务研究

    A Study on the Fiduciary Duties of the Professional Managers

  21. 大多数顾客都很讲信义;只有少数人贪我们的便宜。

    Most people play fair ; very few took advantage .

  22. 信义愿与各界朋友共创辉煌的明天。

    Lutheran Church and friends of all circles to create a brilliant tomorrow .

  23. 从广州信义会馆解读产业建筑再利用的设计策略

    Design Policies of Industry Building 's Reuse with Case Study of Xinyi Fair

  24. 葵涌老人中心〔基督教香港信义会社会服务部〕

    Kwai Chung Elderly Service Centre [ Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service-Hong Kong ]

  25. 麦考莱把查理二世描写为无信义的狂热者。

    Macaulay represents Charles II as a faithless fanatic .

  26. 第二章是美国员工持股计划受托人的基本信义义务。

    The second chapter represents the basic fiduciary duties of the plan trustees .

  27. 以利亚你是个守信义的人

    Elijah , you 're a man of honor .

  28. 台北市信义区山坡地潜在崩坍地区划定之研究

    Delineation of Potential Landslide Regions on Hillslope Land of Hsing-Yi District in Taipei City

  29. 论我国股份有限公司中发起人的信义义务

    On the Faith Obligation of the Sponsor in the Limited Company of Our Country

  30. 那人对同事不守信义。

    That person is disloyal to his associates .