
  • 网络trust;trustworthiness;credibility;reliability;credit
  1. 或许最让人担忧的数字是世代间的信任度。

    Perhaps the most worrying figure is around generational trust .

  2. 加州大学中国数据实验室开展的一项调查显示,中国民众对政府的支持度进一步提升,民众对中央政府的平均信任度从2019年6月的8.23分上升到了去年5月的8.87分(满分为10分)。

    A survey conducted by the University of California 's China Data Lab showed support for the government among the Chinese public has risen , with the average level of trust in the central government increasing from 8.23 in June 2019 to 8.87 in May last year , measured on a scale of one to 10 .

  3. 基于信任度的Web服务跨域访问控制

    Cross-Domain Access Control in Web Services Based on Trust Degree

  4. P2P环境中基于信任度的服务路由系统的研究

    Service Routing System Design Based on Trust in P2P Environment

  5. P2P环境下基于信任度的可控委托信任管理模型

    Controllable delegation trust management model based on trustworthiness in P2P

  6. 一种PKI系统中CA间信任度的动态评估方法

    A dynamic evaluating method of confidence within CA in PKI system

  7. 管理p2p网络的资源使用和信任度

    Managing Resources Use and Reputation in P2P Networks

  8. PKI信任度模型路径算法研究

    Research on the Algorithm of Path in PKI Trust Valuation Model

  9. 一种新的PKI信任度模型算法设计

    Algorithm Design for an Improved PKI Trust Valuation Model

  10. MANET基于客观信任度建模的分簇算法与分析

    Clustering algorithm and analysis based on objective trust modeling in MANET

  11. 提出一种改进的D-S证据融合规则:基于冲突比例的冲突证据融合规则,用新的规则对信任度进行融合。

    Proposed an improved combination rule of D-S theory based on conflict ratio .

  12. 通过改进信任度算法,提出了一种基于SVM的FRR和FAR融合算法。

    Then we improve the confidence-based algorithm and propose a fusion algorithm using SVM based on FRR and FAR .

  13. 该模型不仅能够为服务请求者筛选出服务质量好、信任度高的Web服务提供决策依据,而且还能够降低Web服务交互风险,保护Web服务交互安全。

    It not only can help service requestor to select a high-quality and high-trust Web services , but also can reduce the risk of Web service interaction and guarantee the interactive security of Web services .

  14. 通过引入医疗检查服务信任度作为一个QoS属性,检查服务选择算法能够满足不同患者的需求,从而体现出服务个性化。

    The check service selection algorithm is personal enough to meet the needs of different patients through the introduction of check service trust as a QoS property .

  15. 然后利用主观信任度结合服务QoS属性值,按服务匹配、计算和排序算法选择用户所需的最优服务。

    Then , through the use of subjective reputation with QoS attribute values , the optimal service is selected by service matching , computing and sorting algorithms .

  16. 将人工神经网络用于P2P声誉系统,给出了P2P局部信任度的神经网络识别方法。

    Artificial neural networks are introduced in P2P reputation system , and the method of identifying local trust value of P2P systems with neural networks is proposed .

  17. 根据剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)贾奇商学院(JudgeBusinessSchool)和斯德哥尔摩经济学院(StockholmSchoolofEconomics)在2001年发表的一篇富有远见的高质量论文,传统上,信任度方面的鸿沟存在于公司内部,而不是公司之间。

    Traditionally , this trust divide existed inside companies rather than between them , according to an excellent and prescient 2001 paper by Cambridge 's Judge Business School and the Stockholm School of Economics .

  18. NGI(nextgenerationInternet)网络运营的成功既依赖于其覆盖面、成熟的管理和广泛的应用,也取决于用户对网络的信任度。

    Marketing of NGI ( Next Generation Internet ) relies on his coverage area , maturity of management and comprehensive application supports , as well as users ' confidences to network security .

  19. NPC的主管们透露,他们公司的劳资关系得到了改善,企业信任度增加,员工和顾客的满意度也得到了提升。

    NPC executives told me that their companies are enjoying better industrial relations , increased trust and job satisfaction , and greater customer satisfaction .

  20. 该方法在灰关联识别的过程中,引入DS证据理论,通过对信号的积累和对信任度的重新分配,对识别结果进行了有效的融合,提高了辐射源的正确识别率。

    By redistributing the subordinate function of observation samples , this approach is effective in fusing the recognition results and improving the probability of accurate recognition .

  21. 该方法将能够反映交易结果时间分布特性的P2P交易结果序列直接作为神经网络输入来识别局部信任度,可以得出更具代表性的结果。

    P2P transaction result sequence that can represent the P2P transaction history is used as input of neural networks to identify local trust value directly , so the result can be more representative .

  22. 通过问卷调查方法收集第一手资料,经过分析发现,消费者对C2C网站在线卖家总体信任度不高。

    After collecting first-hand data through the way of questionnaire investigation and the result shows that consumers perceive low trust on online sellers .

  23. 结合图论中的最可靠路径算法,提出了一种PKI信任度模型中优化的可靠路径算法,提高了信任的准确性。

    Based on the most reliable path algorithm in graph theory , it proposes an optimization algorithm to improve the accuracy of trust relationship in the Public Key Infrastructure .

  24. 这意味着,在作出开发一种解决方案决定之前,他们需要对相信IBM将能够帮助他们达到他们所预期的结果有一定的信任度。

    This implies that , prior to making a decision to invest in a solution , they need to reach a certain level of trust that IBM is going to help them achieve the expected results .

  25. 卡罗尔·伯内特(CarolBurnett)的排名介于弗里曼和汉克斯之间,她的信任度得分为24,吸引力得分为80。

    Sandwiched in between Freeman and Hanks is Carol Burnett , with a score of 24 for trustworthiness and an 80 for appeal .

  26. 仿真实验及分析表明,该模型可以很好地评估P2P系统节点的信任度,在开放网络环境中具有很好的效果。

    Simulation results and analysis show that the model can assess the P2P system node trust . In an open network environment it has a good effect . Finally , the summary of the full text plans the future works .

  27. 对模糊综合评判中各合成算子的识别性能进行了仿真比较,同时对在DS证据推理中影响其识别性能的三个因素:融合次数、噪声大小和各条证据的信任度进行了仿真分析。

    The effects of composed operator in the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation processing and the three factors in DS evidence reasoning including fused times , noise and trust degree of each evidences are particularly analyzed and widely simulated .

  28. 2002年本院顺利通过ISO9000质量体系认证审核。结论实施满意工程作为一项护理管理措施,对树立护理服务品牌、提升病人对医院品牌的信任度起到积极的促进作用。

    Conclusion Implementing the satisfactory project is becoming one of the important methods of the management in prompting the forming of the service brand of nursing and increasing the patients ' confidence in the hospital .

  29. GfK市场调查公司每年都会公布一次所谓的信任度指数。该调查于今年3月至5月之间进行。

    The GfK publishes its so-called trust index once a year . It surveyed participants between March and May this year .

  30. 在DV-HOP算法的定位过程中,提出用锚节点信任度来确定虫洞攻击产生的恶意节点。

    In the positioning process of the DV-HOP algorithm , it is proposed that the trust level of the anchor node is applied in determining the malicious nodes done by wormhole attack .