
SERVING borrowers with patchy credit histories has never been more perilous .
Most of these people lack a credit history and many have never opened a bank account .
Its website states that it offers mortgages to people with irregular employment , poor credit history and variable income .
The company 's credit checks have been eased to allow for the fact that few customers have any formal credit history or income .
For one thing , when banks sold bundles of mortgage loans to outside investors , they almost never revealed the names and credit histories of the individual borrowers .
In the United states , for example , you need a credit history , which is widely shared among credit providers , before you can obtain a credit card .
The beginnings of this problem can be traced back to America , where people with a poor credit history were allowed to take out mortgages , which they were unable to repay .
The banking system crisis in the U.S. largely began after subprime mortgages were made to homebuyers with poor credit records . Many of them now are struggling to pay their debts because interest rates rose and property values fell .
Seventy percent of employers look at the credit histories of job candidates .
And third , all of our non-credit businesses recorded positive contributions to our results .
It can provide an auditable source of information about the overall indebtedness and credit history of SMEs to allow better credit assessment by banks .