
  1. 是否能并如何能重建人的精神家园与意义世界?

    Could and how they reconstruct the spiritual homeland and the meaning world of human ?

  2. 这种精神的危机凸显了审美教育的意义,重建人的精神家园是时代赋予审美教育的神圣使命,在完成这一使命的同时审美教育也要结合时代特点,与时俱进。

    Rebuilding spiritual home is the sacred task of aesthetic education , while that combining features of the times .

  3. 后者视文艺为一种知识的低级形式,前者视文艺为人的精神家园和行为法则;后者倾向对文艺做静态的研究,前者倾向对文艺做动态的考察。

    The latter regards literature and arts as a low form of knowledge , while the former regards literature and arts as the homeland of human beings ;

  4. 古城镇是中华民族的重要的文化资源,是我们当代中国人寻求的精神家园、物质和精神的遗存,同时也是我们民族精神、民族意识得以唤起的园地。

    Ancient towns are cities are the important cultural resources of the Chinese nationality . It is not only the spiritual home , material and spiritual remains that we Chinese are seeking for , but also the foundation from which we arouse our national spirit and awareness .

  5. 如今,它最为人熟知的新精神家园在新西兰,它在那里充分散发出成熟的热带特征,例如醋栗、菠萝和青椒香气。

    Today it is best known for its new spiritual home in New Zealand , where it overflows with ripe , tropical characteristics such as gooseberry , pineapple and green pepper .

  6. 信仰是人的精神支柱和精神家园。

    Faith is people 's spiritual support and spiritual home .

  7. 哲学从人的心灵深处护守着人的精神家园。

    Man 's spiritual homestead is guarded in his heart and life of hearts by philosophy , which supports the existence and life of man .